Chapter 11

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"Selene, you're still in bed? It's noon already," said Grace when she entered our dorm. Normally, I'm not an early riser, but after some time at Hogwarts, it has affected my sleep schedule. These days, though, I've gotten back to my oversleeping habit with all I've been doing. A couple days after finishing the second trial, Natty needed me to meet her at Falbarton Castle to fetch the evidence needed against Rookwood and Harlow. It was a good thing she wanted me to help her, because I found out that Highwing was captured by Harlow and his men—the Ashwinders. That was the first thing Poppy was worried about with the poachers. Natty, understanding my worry for Highwing, planned for us to split up—she would get the evidence, and I rescued Highwing. We got out of there thankfully with our lives when we nearly got hit with the Killing curse.

The day after, I talked with Poppy about what happened with Highwing and that she was alright. She also needed to tell me that the poachers were up to no good when she overheard something called Horntail Hall. Wanting some help to investigate, I joined her and discovered that Horntail Hall was a dragon fighting ring. We were able to put a stop to it by releasing a Hebridean Black dragon that burnt everything to the ground. Unfortunately, the dragon was a mother that left behind her egg. So now, Poppy is trying to find the location of the nest so we can return the egg.

After all that I've been through for the past week with nearly dying repeatedly, my body and mind just wanted to stay in the safety of my bed for the rest of the weekend.

"It's Saturday, Grace. I can stay in bed all day if I want to," I grumbled from under the covers.

"Well, tell that to your conjoined twin outside waiting for you."

I sat up in surprise at her weird statement. "My what? What are you talking about?"

She shrugged, like there was nothing wrong with what she said. "Oh, you know. Your attached-at-the-hip best friend. Sebastian sure has attached to you like you're his twin now. He and Anne were constantly together."

"I'm sure we're not always together, Grace."

She gave me a pointed look. "You say that, but everyone has been noticing it. He's been around you more than he has with Ominis. And that's saying something. Though, their friendship has gone a bit off balance this year for some reason." She then snapped her fingers. "Actually, maybe it's quite simple. Things with them have been on the rocks since you came—and I'm not faulting you for it—it's a common occurrence."

"What is?"

"It's a case of a person focusing so much on someone they like that they neglected their friends. I see it all the time."

"Uh-huh," I uttered.

"Yup, so maybe you could be a good friend and help him by making him realize this. So many good friendships end because of one of them gained a new interest or relationship."

"Um, sure."

She grinned. "Great. Now hurry up and get dressed. You have someone waiting for you." She turned and walked out the door. I sighed and got up from my bed. As I got dressed, I thought about the fact that Grace knew that was going on with Sebastian regarding me. Then again, she speculated, and I didn't deny it, even if she half guessed correctly. I suppose we have been hanging around each other a lot, that some people would think there was something more to it. What people don't see is that our friendship has grown quickly from him knowing my secret. And in return, he trusted me to share his secret place, his sister, and his burdens. We're there for one another, and I'm so happy.

I climbed down the stairs to see that Sebastian was indeed waiting for me at the bottom. When he saw me, he greeted me with a smile, but then looked concerned. "You don't look so well."

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