Endings or New Beginings?

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Ayame's point of view

I watched the sky as the sun began to set. I had an amazing view, right on top of Gohda castle.

I liked it, it was quiet and secluded and I always came here when I wanted to be alone. I sat there with my feet dangling down, swaying side to side off the edge of the roof.

I gazed at the sister bell that had been given to me, which was many years ago. I dangled it from my hand, memorizing its details then, I gently placed it on my palm.

I placed my hand over my heart as I layed back with my feet still dangeling off the roof. I closed my eyes and began thinking.

So much has happened. Everything seems different. There were so many surprises and I have experienced more than I thought I ever would.

The battle with Tenrai revealed that the Sister Bells are not what they seemed to be. It was an experience that proved to never judge something based on looks. I should know better, I get judged so much I don't even get surprised anymore by what people tell me.

I learned that the Sister Bells are the "Jewel of Virtue", but it doesn't make me feel different. To me, they would be the sister bells that Lady Kei made for Princess Kiku and I. I remeber Kiku telling me that Lady Kei made them to make us like 'real sisters'. To me though it would represent our bond, not sisters but me protecting her. If I'm being honest with myself, over time we did end up becoming like 'real sisters'.

Though she was not really my sister, by blood, to me family does not have to be by blood. Family is defined by the sacrifices you'll do for one another and still be there for each other. The challenges we face knowing someone will be by our side, helping or supporting. Knowing that in the end, they will always be there.

I still remember the day I got a sister bell, I even remember the grief I felt when Kiku asked about Lady Kei and how I could not tell her that her mother had been killed. I remember accepting it and I remember it gave me something to live for when I thought there was nothing for me in this world. It gave me a purpose to be here not for myself, but for Princess Kiku.

I opened my eyes and sat back up as I held the Sister Bell in front of the sun. As I moved the bell it made a beautiful sound. I placed the bell back in my hand and looked at the sky as the colors began to change.

"Ayame, what seems to trouble you?" I heard a monotone voice say. Without a doubt I knew who it was, I didn't even turn around to face him.

"Nothing, just watching the sun set. How are things with Lord Gohda and Princess Kiku?" I asked as I began to stand up.

"Very well, we managed to get the enemy ninjas away before more damage could be done. They are safe in the castle with guards, and people are helping rebuild the village..." He said with no change in his voice.

"Rikimaru," I turned to face him, I had not realized how close I was to the edge of the roof until I got up, "how are you feeling now that things with Tenrai have happened?" I said with concern in my mind, but did not show with emotion.

"Tenrai is no worry to me, eventually justice will always prevail." Rikimaru added. I noticed his hand gripping his sword slightly tighter.

"Have you heard any news about Tatsumaru?" I asked with concern and I could feel the worry filling me up, but I stayed strong and managed to not show it. I noticed Rikimaru loosen his grip and put his sword behind him into his sheath.

"No, no word on him, but he is strong. Though he went off of the Azuma Ninja path, he always proved himself and I will always remember that." He said very stern. I saw something change in him. Though he, and I, try to hide our emotions, I could always sense when something troubled him. I had hoped he could not sense mine.

I looked at the sun, watching the colors change. I thought about Tatsuamru, I looked down at the Sister Bell and thought about the fight with Tenrai. I had gotten so lost in my thoughts that when I turned around, Rikimaru was gone.

It was no surprise to me because we always left in a quiet manner. It's almost as if we had not been there. But I can't complain, Rikimaru and I were taught that way since we were young. It's almost as if it was instinct to us, how could it not be? How can someone not do what they were trained to do? It's what we learned as children, it's what we know best.

Stealth, we live by it. We make sure to do what is necessary and try to leave as quickly and as quietly as possible like nothing ever happened. Like shadows of the night.

But what is a shadow with out any light?

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