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Rikimaru's Point of View

I finally got up, I still felt so weak, but I knew what I had to do.

I had so many questions.

I walked towards the door, I had not left this room since I came. I lost count of the days since I came. I opened the door, took a breath and finally walked out.

I was in a house, I looked around and saw another door. I walked down the hallway towards the door and explored that section of the house. The house was not large, but it also was not that small either. I finally reached the other door down the hallway, and as I walked to it, I felt fear. I did not know what was behind it but I was determined to find the old man.

I opened the door, and immediately I was blinded.

I opened my eyes, and realized I was outside. It was beautiful. I had not been outside in a long time, or at least it felt like it. I walked out and I felt the wind in my hair, a little joy filled me. I closed my eyes and tried to take in as much sun as I could.

I began to walk around the house, I heard noises, so I followed the noises and realized I was not alone.

The old man lived in a village. I saw many kids and adults. I hid behind the house and tried to peak out at the village. It was a small village, and many kids were outside.

They were learning something.


The boys followed a man, a teacher I guess? And did every move almost exactly like the man. There were many different groups, some with younger boys, others with older boys, then it looked like they had the boys separated based on strength or techniques? I stood behind the house watching the different fighting styles taught.

"Finally, it took you long enough." A familiar boys voice scoffed, I turned around startled and saw who it was. "I thought you would never leave the house."

It was the boy I had met.

"Hel-lo. Remember me?" He said as he chewed loudly. I just nodded and he laughed with his mouth full. "What's my name then?" The boy asked with his head cocked. I just stared at him, he then took another bite. "Come on, I know you don't talk much..."

"... your name is Tatsumaru" I said with a whisper as I looked down at the ground.

"That's what Master Shiunsai calls me." He said as he walked around me. He was eating an apple.

"Master Shiunsai...?" I said in a low voice.

"The old man who brought you food. Remember? How can you not? He was your only human contact in weeks." Tatsumaru said as he walked back to me still eating the apple.

I had so many questions I had to ask him.

"Where is Master Shiun-" I said.

"Follow me." He interrupted and he waved his arm towards the house. He took another bite of the apple with the other hand.

We entered the house and walked to another part of the house that I had not been to. Tatsumaru started to walk quietly and creeped to another door.

"Where is he...?" I wondered.

"Shh!" He whispered as he opened the door. Tatsumaru waved me to go in the other room.

I walked in and he closed the door.

"Wait..." I said as I tried to open the door.

"It seems you finally found the courage to find me." The old man said. He was sitting on the ground.

"Um... yes." I said nervously as I looked around.

"What brings you here." He said, he did not move. I walked around to face him, he was drinking something, it smelt like leaves.

"... I... um... have some questions..." I said looking down.

"Questions? That you wish to ask me?" He said as he sipped his drink.

"... yes" I said silently. He got up, I started to tense up. He walked towards the end of the room.

"Come," He said as be poured another drink. "sit with me." He waved me over. I slowly walked towards him and sat down. He handed me the drink.

"Here, drink this." He said, the drink was hot.

"I am not thirsty." I said.

"I did not ask you if you were thirsty, I said drink." He told me.

"Why should I if I do not know what this is?" I questioned as I looked at the drink.

"It is called tea and it is to help you, do you not trust me?" The old man said as he sat across from me.

"...well... no." I said.

"Good, honesty is the pathway to trust." The old man laughed. "Just drink it and it will help you." He motioned his hand up. I looked down at the drink and watched the steam rise to my face. What did I have to lose? I took a deep breath and finally took a drink.

It tasted bitter.

My face suddenly became sour.

"Tastes good, yes?" The man asked me as he took a sip.

"Um... no." I said as I placed the drink down.

"Well it is not suppose to taste good, it is for your health." He said as he drank more. "Drink more."


"I did not ask you, did I?"

"" I said with defeat as I drank more. It tasted like dirt.

"Now," He said as he placed his drink down "what was your question?"

"Questions..." I said. He nodded. "Why did you save me." I asked.

"In time, I will tell you, but you must not suffer from others punishment." He said as he sipped his drink once more.

"Well if I was not meant to suffer, why did you ki-, why did you do that to my family." I said fighting back the tears which began to fill my eyes.

"Bad decisions, have bad consequences." He said in a serious tone.

"But... What am I suppose to do?" I could not hold it in anymore. "I have no family, and I do not know who I am!"

"Well," The man said as he got up "what do you want to do?" He asked as me knelt down to me.

At this point I could not stop sobbing.

"Listen to me, keeping grief never solves anything. The loss of a loved one is never easy, but it is a part of the cycle of life. We are born, we live, then we all must die eventually." He said as he placed his hand on my shoulders. "Look at me." I wiped my eyes and looked at the man. "What do you want to do now, you can do anything."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I said between sobs.

"Endings always bring new beginnings." He stated. "Now that your old life has ended, you must now begin a new life, and the decision is yours."

"What?" I asked I was very confused. I did not die, what did he mean?

"Life is full of losses, but these losses are what make a person. They can destroy you from the inside out, or can make you stronger than before." He looked into my eyes. "You now have the choice to become your own person, you can live and learn and move on in life, or live in despair and become nothing." He stated. "It is your choice now, what do you choose?" He asked.

I was still so sad about my family, but I could not change what had already happened. I knew what I had to do.

"I choose..." I choked " to live and learn." He stood up.

"Very well, what are you going to do about that?" He asked.

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