The Search Begins

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Tesshu and Ayame set out to search for Rikimaru, the first place they went to look for was the cave. When they got to the cave, or what was left, they only saw piles of rubble.

"This doesn't make sense." Said Ayame examining the piles of rocks.

"What happened here?" Asked Tesshu. "Why did you bring us here?"

"This was the last place I saw Rikimaru," said Ayame "I just assumed he made it out."

"What do you mean by 'made it out'?" Asked Tesshu looking at the rubble.

"Rikimaru and I were kidnapped."

"Kidnapped? By who?" Tesshu said as he thought it was impossible to capture the both of the Azuma ninjas.

"Onikage..." Said Ayame.

"Onikage? I thought he disappeared."

"Well he's back..." Ayame looked at Tesshu "and he's not alone."

"Who is he working with? Or for?"

"Onikage is working for Lord Mei-Oh"

"Mei-Oh! I thought he was gone." Said Tesshu.

"That's what we all thought, and he is also working with Kagami."

"Kagami?" Tesshu was confused. "Who is this Kagami?"

"Well to understand who she is, you have to know a long story." Said Ayame jokingly.

"Well let's begin, as you see we only have time..." Said Tesshu observing the perimeter.

"Hm." She began contemplating where to begin.

"Maybe this information can help our situation." Added Tesshu.

"Okay... many years ago, when the Azuma Ninja clan was whole, there used to be three of us learning under a man, Master Shiunsai, who was the Azuma Clan leader. Rikimaru, Tatsumaru and I were taught to be true Azuma Ninja's under him." Ayame said looking back down at the rubble. "Tatsumaru became the Azuma Clan leader one day, and that day was when everything changed." Ayame looked around.

"Gohda Castle was under attack and Master Shiunsai sent us there to protect Lord Gohda and his family. The castle was burning and people died, including Lady Kei, Lord Gohda's wife. She died protecting her daughter. Later, we found who was causing this war, it was Lord Toda, Lord Gohda's uncle who believed he was the rightful heir to the Gohda kingdom. After we managed to save some of the castle, Tatsumaru found Kagami, and he fell of a cliff fighting her. Rikimaru and I both believed he was dead. We later found Toda to defeat him, only to find that he was not the master mind, Kagami was and she had killed him after the invasion of the castle. We all believed it was Lord Toda who was power hungry, but it was all a lie caused by Kagami, she was a stone cold killer who manipulated Tatsumaru and was able to make him forget everything, or at least she kept the truth from him" She said as she knew he must have hit his head after the fall.

"Kagami taught Tatsumaru to believed everything she did, that we should rid  the world of Lord Gohda and any other Lord so that ninjas no longer had to hide in the shadows." Ayame looked at Tesshu.

"I saw why she wanted to do what she did, but she was power hungry." Ayame walked towards the sky looking up. "She turned Tatsumaru against the Azuma Ninja Clan and Kagami came to destroy our village. Not only did she destroy our village, but Tatsumaru killed Master Shiunsai-." Ayame paused because she started to feel overwhelmed.

"What? Why would he-?" Questioned Tesshu.

She took a deep breath. "Let me be clear, Tatsumaru did kill Master Shiunsai but he believed at the time he had a reason too."

Tesshu walked towards her and stood a distance behind her trying to process as much information to understand the situation.

"Tatsumaru believed he was Seiryu, one of the four Lords of the Burning dawn. The Burning Dawn was Kagami's followers who did all her dirty work, Rikimaru and I fought everyone of them. Including Suzaku, who I just figured out was really Onikage in disguise. Kagami had mangaed to build a massive ship and planned to use it to take out Gohda Castle." She looked back down and got out her Sister Bell.

"Rikimaru and I snuck onto the ship to stop Kagami from destroying the castle and the villages around it. We split up and he faced Kagami, while I took... Tatsumaru..." Ayame looked up at the sky. "It's getting late we better move."

"Ayame," Tesshu said following her "why must we leave with out any information about Rikimaru?"

"Rikimaru is not here, you see, we must move before it gets to late." Ayame said still walking away.

"Leaving so early?" Said a voice followed by laughter. "Why so soon?"

Ayame stopped. She knew that voice, she slowly turned to face her.

"Ah, I see you still remember me. Who is this? Your new partner?" She said as she looked at Tesshu.

"My name is Tesshu. And you are?" Tesshu said walking towards her.

"Why not ask your new partner over here." She laughed.

"Kagura..." Ayame said slowly as she prepared her blades.

"Yes hm, it's me in the flesh." Kagura laughed.

"What happened to your stupid dog?" Ayame laughed crossing her arms. "Did it realize it was smarter than you."

"No, but if you want to see my Kitsune, turn around." Kagura said with a cocked head.

"I see you knew you can't handle me alone." Said Ayame as she prepared for battle. "Just like before."

"Except this time I will not lose." Said Kagura confidently.

"What makes you so sure?" Ayame laughed.

"Because..." Said another voice. "She has me as well."

"Impossible." Said Ayame.

"Who is this?" Asked Tesshu.

"I see Ayame has not informed you of me, well I guess I will have to introduce myself." She said. "My name is Lady Kagami."

"Kagami? You mean-" Tesshu said.

"I thought you were dead!" Ayame interrupted.

"Well," Kagami laughed "this would not be the first time you believed that. You're still the same pathetic excuse for a ninja."

"Interesting," Tesshu said "what brings you here Lady Kagami?"

"I see you brought a new friend. Wonderful" Kagami said. "Introduce yourself." She demanded.

"The name is Tesshu."

"I see you have met Ayame." Kagami said.

"Yes, and it seems you both have as well." Tesshu added.

"Why are you both here?" Asked Ayame.

"And miss the family reunion? Never." Laughed Kagura.

"Family reunion? What do you mean?" Ayame asked.

"You haven't figured it out?" Laughed Kagami as she walked around Kagura.

"Figured what out?" Questioned Ayame.

Kagami stood next to Kagura and then spoke. "Kagura is my daughter."

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