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Ayame's point of view

Never had I ever imagined that I would see Lady Kagami again. She was the reason I lost Tatsumaru.

It was all her fault.

She was the one that caused me all that pain when I was younger. It caused me to almost take my own life.

It was all her fault.

I can't let her win. I won't.

I felt so many emotions come over me I didn't know what to do. This hasn't happened since the last time I saw her.

I ran towards Lady Kagami, I was prepared to fight her.

She got out a sword from her side and tried to strike me from the front. I dodged it and cut her on the stomach.

She looked at me surprised.

"I see you have changed much since the last time we fought," Kagami stated as she looked down at her stomach "but you will never be better than me" she said as she swung her sword at me.

I fell behind just barley getting scratched across the arm.

"I see that you still have lame jokes." I said as I got my balance.

"Child, why try when you know you won't win?" Kagami stated as she lowered her sword.

"Because you don't deserve to live and bring pain to innocent people!" I yelled.

"See, that is where you are wrong," Kagami walked towards me "not everyone is innocent." She tried to swing her sword at my face.

I blocked it by crossing my blades in front of my face. Our swords lowered and Lady Kagami stared to smirk.

"What's so funny?" I spat.

"We fight, yet we are so similar" Kagami pushed me back "we are not so different" she stated as she turned around.

"I'm nothing like you!" I said as I began to walk towards her.

"Why do you say that, hm?" She began to face me "You see we both are women, who fight for a cause we believe in and believe we can do a job better than any man and will do anything to protect what we think is right." Kagami walked around me. "Not so different if you think about it." She whispered to my ear.

She started to walk away.

"No!" I yelled. "That's where you're wrong. I believe I can take you down better than any one!"

I started to run towards her. She tried to swing her sword around to strike me.

I jumped and I got myself on top of her.

I used all of my weight to make her fall. She started to lose balance and dropped her sword.

After I got her down, I got out my blade and placed it right at her neck.

Kagami tried to move me off her. Then she opened her eyes.

She stopped moving, she looked down and spoke.

"Do it," she said.

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