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Rikimaru's Point of View

I ran through the forest, hearing the leaves rustle as I ran by them. I was determined to find Ayame before Onikage did.

I kept a steady pace as I continued to run, but I felt my mind begin to wonder.

Was this a distraction? Was this part of Onikages plan? Why did he want to summon Lord Mei-Oh? Is Ayame in danger? Or am I just distracted as Onikage goes to the village instead? Are Lord Gohda and Princess Kiku in danger?

More importantly, what did Lady Kagami mean she was just a distraction? What are Onikage and Lord Mei-Oh up to?

I could feel my gut telling me to return to Lord Gohda and to protect him, but I have to follow his orders and find Ayame first.

The sky started to change colors, and I started to slow down. I saw the remains of the cave, with rocks everywhere. I began to walk around looking to find any clues to see if Ayame was here.

I could hear the conversation Kagami and I had play over and over again in my head.

Why did Onikage use her? What did he need her for? What did Kagami mean she needed one thing? Why would she willingly do something if she knew she was being used?

I searched as the sky began to lose its light and the stars began to shine. Nothing seemed to indicate that Ayame was here, so I moved on.

I had stumbled upon where I had my last conversation with Kagami, I felt my gut tell me to go back, but I must serve Lord Gohda, no matter what. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, so I began to walk away.

As I was leaving I noticed something small on the ground. It was a trail, small dots that went in a direction. I knelt down and realized it was blood. I began to walk in the direction of the drops. I walked and it led to a small puddle of blood. It looked recent, possibly from the day before or today. I knew I had to look around for more clues before it got too dark.

I looked around and noticed some unusual formations around the area.

There was an open area, but something about it was not normal.

The rocks had been pushed, or moved some how. It looked by force, or something big must have happened.

Perhaps a battle?

I continued to walk searching for more clues. I saw a small piece of cloth on the ground under some dust. I knelt down to pick it up.


She was here, this material is unique. It was a special material, specific to the Azuma ninja clan. The material was specifically made because history of the Azuma ninja states that generations ago, the Azuma ninja clan began to create clothing that was different to distinguish them from other clans. As time when on, it started to get darker, but also the material became lighter in weight, the ominous clothing was to make it easier to hide in the shadows. The lighter cloth was used to make it easier to move, especially for combat. Our clothes were gifts from Master Shiunsai when we completed our training. I got mine when it was only Tatsu and I under Master Shiunsai's mentorship. Then Tatsu and I were there when he gifted them to Ayame.

I looked back down at the small piece of cloth.

She was here, but where did she go?

The cloth doesn't verify if she was the one wounded, but it's a clue none the less.

I got up and followed the trail of blood again, it had another small pile that disappeared into some grass. From the looks of it, whoever's blood it is, they were headed West.

If it's Ayame, then she most likely went to an area to rest and heal before she returned to Gohda Castle.

If it was not Ayame, then it seems my feeling of returning to Lord Gohda are confirmed and he is in danger.

I began to walk and looked up to the sky. Night fall was here, and the stars were clear. The moon was almost full, but very bright. I kept walking into the night.

I looked back down as I began to hear a jingle in my pocket. I grabbed the item and it began to ring. I moved in the direction where it jingled the most and it began to slowly glow.

She was near by, I followed the sister bell knowing it would lead me directly to Ayame. It began to ring louder and I looked around trying to see if Ayame was near or if I was anywhere near where she would of hidden. I stopped as the bell no longer rang. I looked around and before I knew it, everything went blank.

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