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Ayame's Point of View

As I looked for an exit, I saw Onikage running. 

What was he running from?

I had no time to think.

I followed Onikage, but lost him as he ran towards tunnels.

I was lost and had five path ways to chose from. I had no time to stop, I had to keep going, Onikage or not. I took a chance and hoped for the best. I followed the path with the most light.

As I ran through the tunnel, the light expanded, I immediately knew it was the sun, and knew I found a way out of this cave. Finally, it seemed there was no end to this cave.

Just as I began to walk towards the outside, something changed. I stopped, maybe it was Onikage?

Suddenly the cave started to shake. I knew I didn't have enough time so I began to run as fast as I could towards the exit. The whole cave was shaking, the pathways were starting to be blocked by falling rocks.

I started climbing and dodging falling rocks, trying not to get crushed as the exit became smaller and harder to pass. The ground started to shake harder which made the cave start to collapse even faster. The exit started to become harder to go through as it became smaller, I didn't have enough time. I tried to look for another way out and as I looked up, a large rock came falling over me. I leaped to the side trying to dodge it, but I fell to the ground, as I looked up I saw the exit built up with piles of rocks. I was stuck. Just as I got up, a large piece of the ceiling fell. It crushed the piles of rocks blocking the exit.

I had one chance, I have to take it.

Just before I jumped, I heard the echo of the cave collapsing. As it hit my ears, a burst of air from the collapsing cave pushed me faster outside. I fell, but luckily I was out.

As I got myself up, I remembered I lost Onikage in the tunnels before the exit. Did he make of out? Wait, something is missing.

Where is Rikimaru?

I didn't see him leave the cave. I didn't even look back. Did he make it? Did he stop Lord Mei-Oh?

I had no time, I had to focus.

I began to run. I had to make sure Lord Gohda was safe, then I must find Princess Kiku.

I stopped, I forgot something.

I was lost.

I had no idea where I was, as I looked around, nothing seemed familiar.

I saw a large mountain but everything else was plain. It was a very flat area. I knew I could only do one thing. I had to climb the mountain, maybe I might see something I recognized.

I wondered if Rikimaru made it out. He probably knows where the castle is. I had no time to think, I had to trust my instincts.

I climbed the mountain, and as I reached the top, the sun was starting to set. I had a short amount of time to look for something familiar or find Gohda castle before night fall. I searched and saw nothing, the moon was starting to creep out. If I didn't find Gohda castle soon, princess Kiku might be in danger.

I couldn't let that happen.

I looked towards the sky, then I got out my sister bell, it helps me relax and think straight, I placed it in the palm of my hand.

"If only it could find you, Kiku." I said with defeat in my voice.

Just as I gazed at the sister bell, it started to ring. The wind started to blow harder and I tripped over a rock. I looked at the moon starting to replace the sun. I dropped the sister bell and it began to fall off the mountain and it went along with the wind. I got up and carefully made my way down the mountain as fast as I could. The sister bell was still ringing, it flew to a near by forest.

I lost sight of it.

I could still hear it ringing as I went down the mountain, I headed towards the forest. I went into the forest and noticed something dangling from a branch off a tree. It was the sister bell. I was relieved, but as I got closer to the tree, I noticed it was very high up. I knew I couldn't stop, even if was tired, I had to do this, not for me but for Gohda, princess Kiku and Rikimaru. I climbed the tree carefully not to fall off, I stared at the sister bell, I could still hear it ringing as it dangled from the branch, it jingled as it danced with the wind. It swayed side to side, it sounded very beautifully, it made me feel relaxed.

I finally reached to the sister bell, it was stuck around a branch and I was very careful to untangle it. I finally got it off and as I held it towards the sky to look for any damage, I saw something.

I knew where I was.

I saw a bridge and then was sure where I was, I was in the forest by Gohda castle. I jumped down the tree prepared to find Lord Gohda and princess Kiku. I ran across the bridge and saw Gohda castle.

"Finally." I said as I stopped to catch my breath.

As I reached the castle I saw no change, nothing. It was not interrupted, not even a rock out of place.

Something wasn't right.

I ran inside and immediately found Lord Gohda. "Lord Gohda, are you safe? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Ayame, I am fine. What seems to trouble you?"

"Where is princess Kiku?" I asked.

"I believe she is out in the garden." He walked towards me. "Ayame, where is R-"

"Lord Gohda, you have some visitors" A guard stated.

"Very well, I must go." He said as two guards escorted him out.

I went out to look for princess Kiku.

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