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Rikimaru's point of view

I walked in, and sat down. It has been so long that it felt strange taking the sword from my sheath, with out having to put it back to use it. As I took out the sword from its case, I gently placed my finger running it up by the blade. I felt the texture and as I touched the tip it felt so sharp it could cut from just looking at it.

I placed the sword down and thought about how much has changed since I have been gone. Ayame seems to have managed well being on her own. Princess Kiku is older, looking more like her mother. Lord Gohda still has his issues, but he manages well to do what is best for his people.

I looked down at the Izayoi sword. I remember when it was given to Tatsumaru. I remember that I felt glad he would be the new Master and leader of the Azuma Ninja. I also remember when Tatsumaru used it to kill Master Shiunsai, and how it was used to leave a scar on my eye. Then I remember finding Ayame, with Tatsumarus lifeless body, as she tossed me the sword. That was when I knew, I would be the new leader of the Azuma Ninja. At the time I was only 18, and now everything is different. I am different.

The Izayoi sword reminded me of Master Shiunsai. I remember the last thing Master said to me before he died. "You must not be ruled by vengeance or anger, you must be in a state of selflessness or you will fail again." Though he told me that for when I would face Tatsumaru, ever since that day I wanted to live by what he said. I did not want to fail him then and I still do not want to fail him now.

It has been many years since I last heard Master Shiunsai speak, but I still feel like I am still learning from him. Though he is no longer here, he still teaches me. He does not teach me verbally, but from what he taught me before and what I should do that is how I still learn.

A lot has changed in the years that Master has been gone. I now only serve Lord Gohda. Ayame is like an older sister to Kiku. Though people still trying to take out Lord Gohda is still the same. I guess that change is the only thing in life that is frequent.

I looked down back at the Izayoi sword. So many memories from just a single item. I felt my scar on my eye. Ever since Tatsumaru told me my eye did function and to focus my energy to it during the battle with Tenrai, I no longer focus on the scar over my eye. I focus on my eye over the scar. Though the scar will never go away, I must put it in the past because I can not change to what has been done. Though if I could, I would not.

Thinking about the past, I always remembered Master Shiunsai, Tatsumaru and Ayame. I had lived before I met them, but it feels that I did not really live till they were in my life. Before I met them I did have my own family and cared for them so much, but Master Shiunsai, Tatsumaru and Ayame became my new family. There are times that I miss my father and mother, but if they were here, I would not be where I am today. I guess it is a part of life to lose something, but something better comes along. It is that or you lose something and learn to appreciate life in a different way than before. I still do miss my old family, but I try not to think much about them because grief seems to fill me. I have made peace for what has been done, even with not remembering much about them, it still is something that will always be a part of who I am.

I have changed much since the last time my old family saw me. I am older, I am no longer the weak child I used to be, and I am stronger than I thought I would ever be. To all those things, I must thank Master Shiunsai, Tatsumaru and Ayame. They were my new family and they made me who I am today.

Who I am today, is the work of my life. If my life went any different, I would not be the way I am. Yes, I went through difficult times, but those difficult times made me a stronger person. Like what Master Shiunsai used to tell me, "There is no need to feel pain young one. Life is full of losses, but these losses are what make a person. They can destroy you from the inside out, or can make you stronger than before." At first the losses destroyed me, but eventually they made me a stronger. They made me who I am today.

Today, I am Rikimaru.

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