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Rikimaru's Point of View

I was walking through the garden trying to avoid the guards. I felt I could not sleep, the confusion over Lady Kagami's words, and the fact that Ayame has not returned, kept my mind wondering.

I hid behind a wall as I heard guards coming my way.

I shot my grappling hook up to the top of Gohda Castle.

Once I got up, I stood at the top and looked towards the village, I enjoyed seeing the view from here. It was a simple, but wonderful thing to get to see, especially from such a far angle that many do not get to see. Originally, I had never ever thought about climbing to the top, but it actually was Ayame that brought me up here. She had always been one to disappear, countless times when we were younger she would leave unannounced, but she always came back, as if she never left. I always wondered where she would run off to, but I never thought that she would be here. The only reason I found out was because one day I heard her confide in Tatsumaru, but I felt wrong listening to a conversation that I was not a part of, so I never knew what the conversation was about.

I was reminiscing on old memories that I remembered something. There was a way to find Ayame, but I'd need help. It was Princess Kiku, she would be able to help me find Ayame.

I jumped down to another level of the castle, and crawled in through the window. I walked stealthily down the halls and made sure I did not make a lot of noise.

As I walked down these halls, I remembered countless things. First meeting Lord Gohda, and how anxious I was, because I knew he was such an important man. He is a very caring man, he was stern, but not cold. He is well disciplined, but always seemed to remain calm in the most chaotic moments. He is a very honorable and humble man, who would sacrifice himself first, if it meant to save his family or his village.

Meeting his wife, Lady Kei, who welcomed me with open arms, was also nerve wracking. She was a very warm woman, who cared a lot, and even though I was trained to serve their family, she treated me like I was a part of their family. I remember Lady Kei always made sure that Tatsu and I were okay, and that we had time do be, well... kids. She never made us treat her different, and allowed us to play and let our guard down and be kids. She was a kind woman who was taken away too soon.

I remember running and finding out the Gohda Castle had been invaded, and how devastated I was when I found out she was murdered. I remember how she made sure Ayame, Tatsu, and I were one of the first people to meet Princess Kiku when she was born. She truly was a kind soul.

Then there's Princess Kiku, such a beautiful young girl. Now I know she and I do not have a bond like she does with Ayame, but she is truly special. She is the embodiment of pure innocence and happiness, even with the life she has, she still seems to smile daily. She's faced adversities that many do not, but she always reminds me that you can always find happiness again. Even when I feel the darkness is starting to get to me, some how she seems to see past that and make sure I am okay. Even though she is young, she's very smart and intuitive and knows when I'm not at my best. She really is a wonderful girl, whom I would protect even if she wasn't Lord Gohdas daughter.

I slowly opened the door and walked towards Princess Kiku. She was reading something and she put it down as she saw me.

"Rikimaru!" She said joyfully "What are you doing here?"

"Good evening Princess Kiku, I wanted to know if you could help me with something?"

"Me? Help you? I feel honored. You and Ayame have helped my family countless times, what do you need?"

"I was wondering if you still have the gift your mom left for you and Ayame?"

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