What Really Happened

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Ayame's Point of view

"Do it," she said. "why not finish the job?" Kagami stated.

I had her. All I ever wanted to do was punish her for taking Tatsuamru away from me, manipulating him, and letting him die. I could of easily killed her.

But I didn't.

Once I had my blade at her neck, I knew it wouldn't be for the greater good, but for me.


It's like a poison that slowly kills you.

"You don't deserve such an easy way out." I said

She laughed. "You're pathetic"

"No, I just don't let myself get manipulated by you" I said as I moved my blade. "But you deserve to suffer for what you have done."

"And what is that, hm?" Kagami laughed.

"Manipulating Tatsumaru, making him kill Master Shiunsai, making me believe Rikimaru would have died because it was just the two of us afterwards, killing inocent people" I looked down at her "I should just finish you now."

"You won't kill me." She stated

"Why shouldn't I?" I spat.

"Because I know where your family is..." She said with a smile creeping up.

"What are you talking about, Tatsumaru and Master Shiunsai are dead!" I stated.

"No, I mean your real family" Kagami said "and I know where you can find them." I moved my blade from her neck.

"You don't know anything!" I said in a stern tone. "Rikimaru, Tatsumaru and Master Shiunsai are all the family I need." I said in a louder tone.

"... And two are gone. And if you really believed that, why am I still alive?" She said as she tried to move.

For all the good, I must do what is right, I have to kill her no matter what she says. Even if she knows my real family.

That means she knows my true identity. Well my old identity.

"It would be a shame if someone would take their true family away before they could do anything about it." Kagami laughed. She rolled me over to the ground and got over me. "Pathetic ninja! You should have killed me when you had the chance!" She got her blade and swung it at my neck.

I pushed her off with my legs and she fell back. As she looked up at me you could see her eyes fill with rage.

"No one makes a fool out of Lady Kagami! Especially not a pathetic excuse for a ninja!" She got up and charged at me.

I knew it was now or never.

I pulled out my blades, dodged her sword and struck my blades into her stomach.

It seemed the more deeper the blade went in, the more I knew I could not do it.

I couldn't kill her.

But why?

Something was different. Was it me?

I then took out my blades.

"You're not worth it." I said.

"Never let a child do what a real ninja should do." Kagami spat as she began to kneel placing her hand over her wound.

She fell to the floor, I walked over her.

"I am not a child anymore." I said as I leaned down and took out my blades from her stomach.

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