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"Rikimaru, are you alright?" Ayame asked a little confused that he was there. She was concerned about him, but did not show it.

"Ayame? Yes, I am fine. Why are you here?" Rikimaru said standing with a view of the cliff.

"The same reason you are here." Ayame said standing with a view of the exact place she was when the incident happened. She had a perfect view of the tragedy years ago, had she gone seconds sooner, she could have saved him.

"Even though Tatsumaru had been gone, when he came back it was like he never left" Rikimaru turned to the sun and slowly touched the scar on his eye. "He helped me even though he knew it would cost him his life."

Ayame was still staring at the cliff that Tatsumaru fell off in battle years ago. The cliff had not changed much since the incident. "He didn't just help you, he helped us. He sacrificed himself for the greater good, even though he could of lived in the way of evil."

"You speak of him as if he is already gone." Rikimaru said in a deeper tone.

"Well, we haven't heard of him since the battle with Tenrai." Ayame did not want to believe it but she must stay strong and accept that, if it turns out to be true. "How are you recovering from your wound?" Ayame remembered how she and Tatsumaru came to find Rikimaru with the Izayoi sword going through him, and Tenrai.

Rikimaru's face became more serious. "I am well, no matter the challenges we face, we must do what is best. I have recovered and ready for Gohda when he needs me." He was almost fully recovered, he still had a little pain when he bent his stomach, and there was a scar. Never would he show the pain, he knew it was nothing compared to what he had been through. He must always stay strong.

Ayame knew that with or without Tatsumaru, she had grown stronger and knew when he was gone she became even stronger. Still every time she saw him, there was something still there she could not explain.

Rikimaru knew that without Tatsumaru there he was strong, with him there he showed mercy and slight emotion. Yet Tatsumaru did help him to become very strong when he was there, and let him become a better ninja.

Without Tatsumaru, both of them knew that they could not be as strong as they are now. If Rikimaru had not met Tatsumaru, he might of not even be here today, or strong like he is now.

Ayame did not know what would happen if she had not met him. When she was younger, she thought Tatsumaru was her first love. He was strong and always was a good leader. She was very proud when he became the Azuma clan leader at the age of 20. At the time she was only 14, but she did care much for him. That was when everything seemed well.

"How have you felt settling down after being gone for so long?" Ayame asked still wondering how he made it out alive.

"Things have changed. Maybe for the better, but I must fulfill my duty to serve only Lord Gohda." Ever since they lost Master Shiunsai, Rikimaru swore to only serve Lord Gohda, which has been true.

"It's true, things have changed." Ayame said looking at the cliff then back at Rikimaru. "Maybe for the better." She turned around to walk away.

"Ayame, do you ever wonder what would happen if Tatsumaru never fell off the cliff." Rikimaru asked as he touched his scar.

"I ask myself that everyday," Ayame said as she looked at the cliff. "but then I remember, we can't question the past. We just worry ourselves about stuff we can't change, and it will make us want to do things that we shouldn't do. Let's just hope the future holds better things." She said as got out her sister bell that she carried everywhere.

Rikimaru looked to the cliff then out to the sky. "You have become very wise Ayame, Master Shiunsai would be proud."

"Master Shiunsai was the one who taught me. I'm just glad I kept my promise and didn't - I mean I'm glad I'm here for Princess Kiku." Ayame said as she remembered she almost took her own life.

"Master was wise," Rikimaru said as he took out his sword. "I am glad he taught me much." This also reminded him of when Tatsumaru told him to not let his past ruin his future.

Ayame started to walk away and then she stopped. "Rikimaru," she said as she looked at her sister bell "it's good to have you back." She said as she walked away.

Rikimaru looked at the sun and felt the wind through his hair. "It is good to be back." He said as he looked at the Izayoi.

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