Before the Blade

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Rikimaru's point of view


As I heard a very light noise that woke me, I felt the energy of the room change. The noises did not alarm me, I have always had slight heightened hearing, so I did not move because I thought it was nothing.

My eyes shut and as I layed back down, a very slight wave of heat stroke my face.

At first I thought I was feeling ill, or that I was dreaming, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me? So, I waited, I did not want to disturb anyone, I just layed there.

The slight heat started to feel more like movement, slowly moving from one side of the room to the other, as if something or someone was in the room as well.

I then knew, I was not alone.

At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but I was scared and I was sure I felt the presence of someone else.

As I questioned myself, I felt the presence leave, as if going to another room. I got up to search for my family wondering where they were, hoping to find someone else. As I walked towards the next room, something changed.

I regret not getting up before.

I heard a loud, screeching, painful groan. I turned to the room as I heard the groan, I shut my eyes frightened of the noise. Then as I opened my eyes, I rubbed them to make sure my vision was clear. I wanted to make sure that what I saw was real.

I saw my father.

At first I was relieved it was him, but as I focused my eyes to him, I saw what would be my father falling to his knees with a sword through his stomach, coming out of his back.

I was paralyzed.

I did not know what to do. The only thought that came into my mind was if I had gotten up sooner I could have warned him, or say something when I felt the presence.

This is my fault, I could have yelled or at least have done something.

I kept thinking of what I could of done but, I soon lost my thoughts as I focused on my father. I hoped he would get up and fight, or say something, maybe he could even stop the presence?

But, he was like stone, silent.

I then heard the sound of the sword coming out of my fathers body, a sound I never will forget. It was as if it was all in slow motion, the noises, the motions, and I could not even move. I just stood there still, like I was paralyzed.

His body fell.

I ran towards my father. Whatever had killed him disappeared into the night. I just sat there with tears rolling down my eyes, I did not know what to do. I was so confused that I could not even manage to make a noise. All that I could do was watch the replaying of my fathers last moments in my head. I was trying to make sense of everything that happened, it was all so fast, it felt so unreal.

I heard other sounds, but I could not move. Something had touched me. I did not realize someone came into the room.

My mother entered with a servant. She grabbed my hand and took me out of the room, the servant followed. They were looking for something, most likely a way out.

As they searched for an exit, something had followed us. It was as if time had stopped, and we were frozen. It had managed to get us all into a corner.

As it came out of the shadows, I immediately remembered it felt similar to the presence I had felt earlier.

It started walking out of the shadows, closer to us. As I looked up, I saw it. It was a man. He was old, but not by much. The man was silent, he showed no emotion, he moved very quietly. As he came closer, the man glanced at me for a second, then looked away.

I saw that he was not focused on me, just on my mother and the servant. I was focused on the glance he made, that was only a second but felt endless. I then realized, he was the one who killed my father, and he was the presence I had felt earlier in the room.

It felt as if the world was going in slow motion. I could see everything, but I could not do anything. I saw him move towards my mother.

The sound of my mother pleading to not be killed and to save me, echoed in my ear. He killed the servant as my mother fell to her knees begging, he showed no emotion. I felt my mother wrap herself around me protecting me, her warmth all around me. Then, what felt a second later, I felt the life pass away as the man killed her.

I felt my mothers grip slowly go away as her body fell on me. I could no longer feel her loving warmth anymore. I move beside her as I gently placed her body down. I held her hand, as I looked in her eyes as the life gets taken away. She whispers something that I could not understand.

Then, as if it had only been a second, my mother was gone.

I was alone.

I was not aware if the man had left or not, but I had never felt so lonely in my life.

I just looked down at my mother, lifeless. I no longer had anything in my life. I could not think, speak or even move. The only thing in my head was flashes of of the presence earlier, my father, my mother, playing over and over again.

Then everything went black.

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