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Ayame's Point of View

"What?! You guys are related?" I said. Even with the words leaving my lips I couldn't believe it.

"And I thought ninjas always needed to 'be aware'." Said Kagura sarcastically as her head tilted with a smile creeping on her lips.

"Just reveals how much of a pathetic excuse for a ninja you really are." Said Kagami as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "But yes, she is my daughter." She added with pride on her face.

I was frozen, how could I not have seen this? It made sense, I wondered why Kagura hated me and where she fit into this mess, this makes everything so clear.

"Why so still? Don't think you can take us?" Said Kagura with a smirk.

"That's funny," I said as I cocked my head "but I'm just trying to choose who to take down first." I added as I prepared and placed my blades in front of me.

"You? Take me down? Now that's fun-" Kagura began placing her hand on her hips.

"I can handle this, you go and take her little friend over there." Lady Kagami said as she interrupted Kagura. "Let's see what he can do." She added looking at him malevolently.

Kagura rolled her eyes and clenched her fists. "What, do you think I can't handle her?" She questioned.

"I have been waiting for this for years now, I already know what to do. Don't dare defy me." Kagami said sternly.

"Family feud? Shall I leave the room." I added comically.

"Seems that knowing defeat would make you leave." Kagura said sharply under her breath as she faced Tesshu.

"That's a lot of talk from a dog protecting a dog," I felt a smile creep up on the side of my mouth "funny thing is you don't know what I'm talking about" I remarked as I looked at her Kitsune then looked back at Kagura, and then glanced at Kagami.

"No one speaks t-" Kagura was irritated to the point you could almost see a vein pop out.

"No!" Lady Kagami interrupted. "Do not fall for her trap! She is trying to make you angry so you will mess up. She is just trying to change your focus. Do not fall for her trap! Understand?! Stay back and take her friend down, I will handle her."

"Do you not believe I can control my anger!?" Kagura said offended. You could see her magic start to omit.

"I believe that I have watched her for years therefore I know best. Do. Not. Question. Me." Kagami added with a sharp look.

Kagura mumbled something under her breath and looked straight at Tesshu. "And for your information, my Kitsune is more like a spirit fox! Not a dog..."

"Ready?" He asked nicely.

"The real question is, can you handle it?" Kagura said as she cocked her head.

"I believe so." Added Tesshu.

"We'll see" added Kagura "Kitsune go." She yelled as her Kitsune appeared behind her and ran straight for Tesshu.

"Looks like someone needs help," Lady Kagami added as she looked at me "too bad your friend is going to be busy." She added with a smile.

I look back at her. Could Tesshu handle Kagura? She isn't much of a fight but I don't know the limits he has? Could he handle the Kitsune? If he can take that down he can take her down!

"Ready for a real fight?" I asked as I came back from my thoughts.

"More than you'll ever know!" Kagami said silently as she ran forward.

"Let's go." I said to myself as she came for me. As soon as she got close to me I leaped away and tried to under kick her. Somethings threw me off and before I knew it she was on top of me.

"Silly girl," she said as she looked down at me "don't you remember? I've been watching you for years..." Kagami leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I know all of your moves."

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