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Ayame and Rikimaru walked towards each other. They both felt the same connection to go somewhere. They both appeared from a forest. No one told them and they had not spoken to each other about it. Yet, they were both mysteriously drawn there. As they came closer, a small circular figure began to appear in the sky. Rikimaru began to walk towards the mysterious figure.

"Do you know what this means?" Rikimaru said as he saw the figure.

Ayame apereard from the shadows "Lord Mei-Oh has returned" she said as she clutched her swords.

"Ayame?" Rikimaru said as he turned around. "What are you... Where are w-..." Then a noise came out of the forest they backed up searching around for the cause of the noise. As they were close to the noise, it stopped. The ground seemed to have disappeared and darkness covered them and they were pushed down into something.

They were inside a cave.

The circular figure still there as if nothing had happened.

They looked up to the only hole in the cave, it was on the ceiling. A figure finally appeared.

"Ah, Rikimaru. Good too see you again. It still seems as if I am the old dog that will never leave you." Said a familiar voice jumping out from the distance. "Hm, I see you have brought some assistance. Good because you will be needing it!" Yelled Onikage as he jumped right in front of the portal.

"Ayame, you watch the portal and make sure Lord Mei-Oh does not pass through. I will take care of Onikage" Rikimaru said as he grabbed the Izayoi sword.

"Well it seems, that will be a problem" said another familiar voice. "You see, first you'll have to get through me" echoed the voice around them.

"Doesn't feel like much of a challenge, show yourself!" Ayame said as she prepared to fight.

"Ah, but you see young one," Echoed the voice as a black figure appeared from the darkness "never bite more than you can chew." Said the voice as it came out the shadows.

It came out slowly, but with much power in their walk.

She was back.

"Lady Kagami." Spat Rikimaru.

"Kagami? I thought you died." Ayame said as she clenched her hands tighter.

"Now why would you think that, hm?" Said Kagami as she walked closer to Ayame.

"You were on the ship as it burned." Rikimaru said angrily.

"Oh that, ah well yes you are right, I was on the ship." Kagami said circling Ayame.

"How did you survive?" Ayame questioned.

"Well why don't you ask your old friend here." Kagami said as she looked at Onikage.

"Onikage? Impossible! He was not present through any of that." Said Rikimaru.

"Ha, yes. Or so you thought Rikimaru. You see, our eyes can lie to us, but our soul can not." Said Onikage.

"You did not show up until after that." Ayame stated as she was sure not meeting him until later.

"Or so you thought. You see, before you met me as Onikage, you met and fought me before." Onikage said with a laugh.

Rikimaru clenched his sword hard as his eyes shut. Flashes of memories soon came back to his mind.

Ayame closed her eyes and looked away, as she started to lose balance. Quick flashbacks rushed to her head.

Both seeming to connect to one thing.

"Suzaku" Said Rikimaru with a deeper tone as he looked at the Izayoi.

"Ah yes, so it seems that you do remember me." Onikage replied.

"You see, as I layed there by the fire, I heard a noise, so I got up to see if there were any survivers." She walked towards Onikage. "And there was," Kagami placed her hand on Onikage's shoulder. "Suzaku." She then moved towards Ayame and Rikimaru. "As I moved the smoke out of my face I saw him take off his disguise and state his true plot. As I heard everything, I knew that I must avanege Tatsuamru's death and follow Onikage." Kagami spoke as she walked slowly looking toward the moon, clenching her fist.

"I thought you follow no one." Laughed Rikimaru as he looked at Lady Kagami.

"I do as I want." Growled Kagami "I follow who I choose to follow." She stopped in front of Rikimaru. "You see, I have always been there, watching you. Patiently, making sure to never be heard or seen."

Ayame and Rikimaru both fell as their heads were filled with memories of Lady Kagami on missions and fights.

"You see, you knew I was there. You just did not realize it until now, because you have not yet mastered total awareness." Kagami said as she laughed. "Pathetic excuses for ninjas."

"If you were there the whole time, why did you let them kill Tatsumaru a second time?" Ayame asked as she got back up holding her head.

"Tatsumaru? Die? Again?! What are you talking about?" Kagami spoke with confusion and anger on her face.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who have not mastered total awareness." Rikimaru spat.

"Dear child, do not provoke me. Or you will die." Said Kagami.

"We'll see if that's true" Ayame said as she got up and prepared to fight.

"Lady Kagami, keep them busy as I summon Lord Mei-Oh" Onikage said as he ran to the portal.

"I've got this, you get Onikage!" Said Ayame before she ran forward.

"Never fight a battle you are not prepared for." Lady Kagami said as she got ready to fight.

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