Hoodie thief

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Emma and Y/N shared a cozy apartment. They were more than just roommates; they were a couple deeply in love. They had a special, albeit amusing, quirk in their relationship.

It all began when Emma first snuggled into one of Y/N's hoodies on a chilly evening. The moment she wrapped herself in its warmth, she knew she was hooked. From that day on, she made it her mission to „borrow" Y/N's hoodies - all of them.

Y/N couldn't help but tease her beloved hoodie thief. „Emma, if you keep stealing my hoodies, I'm going to start charging you rent for them," Y/N would chuckle, watching Emma prance around the apartment in her oversized, stolen treasures.

Emma would grin mischievously in return. „Well, what can I say? Your hoodies are just so comfy and smell like you. It's like having you wrapped around me all day!"

As the weeks turned into months, Emma's hoodie collection grew, and Y/N's closet began to look like a hoodie graveyard with nothing but empty hangers.

Y/N's exasperation was often masked by her playfulness. „You know, Emma, I think I need to get a padlock for my closet. Maybe that will finally protect my hoodies."

But no padlock could keep Emma from her beloved hoodies, and she continued her pilfering ways with glee. It was all in good fun, though, and their love remained unshaken. The sight of Emma cozily wrapped in her hoodies still made Y/N's heart skip a beat.

One evening, as they cuddled on the couch, Y/N had an idea. „You know, my love, I've been thinking. Instead of stealing my hoodies, how about I give you one that you can keep for yourself?"

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. „Really? You'd do that?"

Y/N nodded. „Of course, it's the least I can do since you've practically claimed all of them already."

Y/N got up and rummaged through her closet. She selected one of her coziest, most worn-in hoodies. „Here," she said, handing it to Emma, „this one's yours now."

Emma was overjoyed. She took the hoodie and held it to her chest, feeling the familiar softness and warmth. „Thank you, my love. I promise I'll take good care of it."

Y/N smiled, relieved that her idea had been well received. „Now that you have your own hoodie, you can finally stop stealing mine."

Emma chuckled, slipping into the hoodie. „I guess you're right. But I'll still miss our little hoodie heists."

Over time, Emma's collection of Y/N's hoodies stopped growing, but she still wore the one Y/N gave to her often. It became her comfort blanket, a piece of Y/N she could carry with her throughout the day.


A/N: Don't know what to think of it

See ya

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