You're back!

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Y/N had been gone for ten days on a business trip, a necessary journey that had kept her away from Emma's side. It was a crucial venture, one that required her expertise and dedication, but it had also left a gaping hole in Emma's heart during her absence.

As Y/N stepped through the door, the weariness of her journey evident in the lines of her face and the heaviness of her steps, Emma's heart swelled with empathy and longing. Despite the importance of Y/N's business endeavors, Emma couldn't help but feel a pang of selfishness at having to spend five days without her partner by her side.

Their reunion was not just a celebration of love but also a testament to the strength of their bond, which endured even in the face of separation and distance. Emma's heart overflowed with relief and gratitude as she held Y/N close, knowing that they had weathered yet another storm together and emerged stronger than ever before.

As Y/N's arrival drew near, Emma's anticipation reached a fever pitch. She couldn't sit still, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited by the door. Finally, the familiar sound of the key turning in the lock echoed through the hallway, signaling Y/N's return.

As the door swung open, Emma's breath caught in her throat at the sight of her beloved. Time seemed to slow as their eyes met, the world falling away as if they were the only two people in existence. In that moment, it felt as though they hadn't seen each other in years, the longing and yearning for each other palpable in the air.

"Oh my god," Emma gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as she drank in the sight of Y/N standing before her.

Y/N's eyes sparkled with joy as she took in Emma's adoring gaze, her own heart swelling with love and affection.

"Hey, my love," Y/N breathed, her voice filled with emotion as she crossed the threshold and stepped into Emma's waiting arms.

Emma enveloped Y/N in a tight embrace, holding her close as if afraid to let go. They stood there, lost in each other's embrace, savoring the feeling of being reunited after what felt like an eternity apart.

"I've missed you so, so much," Emma whispered, her voice trembling with emotion as she buried her face in Y/N's hair, inhaling the familiar scent that she had longed for.

"I missed you too," Y/N murmured, her voice soft and tender as she melted into Emma's embrace, her heart overflowing with love for the woman she held in her arms.

In that moment, time stood still as they held each other, the world fading into the background as they lost themselves in the depth of their love for one another. It was a reunion that transcended time and space, a moment of pure and unadulterated bliss that they would cherish forever.

As they held each other tightly, savoring the feeling of being reunited after days of separation, Emma, who was overflowing with joy, couldn't help but babble with excitement.

"Are you hungry? There are some leftovers from yesterday in the fridge," Emma suggested, eager to pamper her partner.

"Leftovers? You cooked?" Y/N teased, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"Yeah, just some pasta, nothing special. But it's okay. And I didn't burn down the kitchen, so that's a plus!" Emma joked, her laughter filling the room.

As they made their way to the bedroom, Emma noticed Y/N's suitcase still sitting in the hallway. Without hesitation, she picked it up, eager to make Y/N feel at home.

"Come on, let me bring your things to the bedroom," Emma offered, her heart swelling with affection.

Once in the bedroom, Y/N began unpacking her belongings while Emma watched, excitement bubbling inside her chest.

"How was your flight?" Emma inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Annoying... This person beside me wouldn't stop talking. I couldn't even take a nap!" Y/N sighed, recalling the discomfort of her journey.

Emma chuckled sympathetically, her heart going out to her weary partner.

"I'm sorry for you. Having a chatty person beside you is pretty exhausting," Emma commiserated, her empathy evident in her voice.

Y/N simply hummed in response, focusing on unpacking her suitcase. Emma, eager to make Y/N feel welcome, offered to take care of her needs.

"You wanna take a shower, or do you want me to order you something to eat? Or... sorry, I'm being annoying again... I just missed you, you know?" Emma rambled, her eagerness to please evident in her words.

Y/N giggled softly, her heart warming at Emma's earnestness. She wrapped her arms around Emma, pulling her close with a loving smile.

"I missed you too. But could we just lay down and cuddle? I'm pretty tired..." Y/N requested, her eyes heavy with fatigue.

"Of course, my love. Anything for you," Emma replied, her voice tender with affection.

They settled into bed, Emma laying on top of Y/N, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. With Emma's head nestled in the crook of Y/N's neck, they embraced each other, reveling in the warmth of their love and the comfort of being together once more.

A/N: Im so sorry for not updating, I was pretty stressen and had no time. And then I actually forgot I started all this. But then I got a pm from the wattpad Support actually asking if im okay, and if I need help and got reminded to write again. Since im sich and cant do much Else I will Write a few OS for yall and uplode then the next few days.
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now