Im Fine.

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TW: Family. Problems (?)


In the bustling hallways, CC and Y/N navigated the ebb and flow of students rushing to their next classes. The vibrant energy of the school contrasted with the heaviness in Y/N's heart, evident in the furrowed brows and downcast eyes that betrayed her inner turmoil.

As they passed each other in the crowded hallway, CC couldn't help but notice a bruise peeking out from beneath the sleeve of Y/N's shirt. Concern etched across CC's face, she gently touched Y/N's arm, her voice filled with genuine worry. „Hey, is everything okay? What happened to your arm?"

Y/N, caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry, instinctively pulled her sleeve further down, concealing the bruise. Her reply was a curt, „I'm fine," accompanied by a forced smile that failed to reach her eyes.

Undeterred, CC continued to scrutinize Y/N's demeanor. „You don't look fine," she observed, her concern deepening.

A defensive edge crept into Y/N's voice as she retorted, „Then stop looking," and without waiting for a response, she briskly walked away, disappearing into the flow of students heading in different directions.

CC stood in the hallway, her gaze lingering on the space Y/N had occupied just moments ago. Confusion and worry knitted her brow as she tried to make sense of the encounter. The distance between them felt like an unspoken barrier, and CC couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was unraveling beneath the surface of Y/N's guarded exterior.


In the hushed corridors of Willowdale High, where the rhythmic ticking of the clock echoed the passing of time, CC found herself excusing herself from a particularly dull math class. As she stepped into the quiet solitude of the bathroom, the distant sounds of sobbing reached her ears. Instinctively, her worry heightened.

CC followed the quiet whimpering to one of the stalls, her heart sinking as she recognized the pain-laden sobs. „Y/N?" she called out gently, her knuckles rapping on the door. The response came, shaky but defensive, „I'm fine."

But CC, attuned to the nuances of Y/N's emotions, couldn't dismiss the evident distress in her voice. Frowning, she insisted, „Y/N, I can hear that everything is not okay. Please open the door."

A prolonged pause followed before CC heard a soft, breathy „Please..." from the other side. Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing a sight that struck CC to her core. Y/N stood before her, eyes red and swollen from crying, her body trembling as if caught in an invisible tempest. Tears continued to stream down her face, leaving trails of heartache.

CC's worry deepened into genuine concern as she wasted no time. Pulling Y/N into a comforting embrace, she held her close, providing a haven for the storm of emotions that raged within. „What's wrong, Y/N? Please, tell me," CC urged, her voice a soothing anchor amidst the chaos.

Y/N, choked up with emotion, managed to utter a concise revelation, „My mother kicked me out. I spent the night at a friends house."

CC's heart sank at the revelation. She looked into Y/N's eyes, her voice unwavering, „You don't have to go through this alone. Come stay with me."

Y/N, grappling with the weight of her situation, initially refused, „I can't impose on you like that, CC."

But CC, resolute in her desire to be there for Y/N, responded with a quiet insistence, „You're not imposing. I care about you, Y/N. Let me help."

After a moment of contemplation, Y/N nodded, a mix of gratitude and vulnerability in her eyes.


As CC and Y/N entered the familiar embrace of the Walker's home, CC instinctively wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulders, a silent gesture of support.

Mrs. Walker's initial smile vanished, replaced by a furrowed brow. „Why didn't you tell me beforehand that Y/N would come over?" she asked, her tone tinged with mild frustration. „And the living room is a mess; I would've cleaned up."

However, as Mrs. Walker's gaze shifted to Y/N, her eyes softened. Dried tears on Y/N's cheeks spoke volumes, and in that moment, any lingering frustration dissipated. Mrs. Walker's maternal instincts kicked in, and she embraced Y/N with a comforting touch

„What happened, sweetie?" Mrs. Walker inquired, her gaze shifting between CC and Y/N.

CC took a deep breath, her voice steady as she explained, „Y/N got kicked out by her mom, so she'll be staying with us for the next few days." Her arm tightened around Y/N, offering a tangible reassurance.

„Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry to hear that," Mrs. Walker said, her voice filled with empathy. „You're welcome here for as long as you need. Let's get you settled in, and we'll take care of the rest together."

CC intervened, a little annoyed when she noticed that her mother was becoming overprotective again. „It's fine, mom. I'll take her to my room first, okay?"

„Yeah. Sure. Would you like to have something to eat beforehand, sweetie?"

CC groaned annoyed while Y/N hit her in the side with her elbow and then with a sweet smile in a humble tone. „Nope, thanks Mrs. Walker."

"No problem, I'll let you go. Oh and CC please be quiet."

"Quiet?" CC raised confused an eyebrow. Before realization hit her and she turned completely red. „Mom!" Y/N Just laughed quietly, As CC pulled her with her to her room.

In the quiet sanctuary of CC's room, Y/N gently placed her bag on the floor before settling on the bed. CC watched her girlfriend with a mixture of concern and empathy, her room suddenly feeling like a haven where secrets could be shared without judgment.

As Y/N's eyes wandered around the room, CC, sensing the weight of unspoken pain, spoke in a soft voice, „Do you want to tell me what happened?" She moved closer, her worry etched on her face.

Y/N took a deep breath, the room suddenly feeling smaller. „My mom never really liked me that much," she began, her voice trembling. „But the two days ago, my dad had enough and he ran away. She blamed me for it."

CC's expression tightened with empathy. „Blamed you? Why would she do that?"

Y/N continued, her voice barely above a whisper. „I dont know... She said the stress I always caused and the disappointment with me had broken them both up. She started throwing things at me and that's where these bruises on my arm came from. Then she kicked me out. Saying that I'm a disgrace and that she would never want to see me again"

CC's eyes widened in shock and horror. „I can't believe she would do that to you. I'm so sorry, Y/N."

Tears welled in Y/N's eyes, and CC instinctively pulled her into a tight hug. „You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you," CC murmured, her words a soothing balm against the wounds Y/N carried.

Y/N, her voice muffled by CC's embrace, managed to speak between sobs. „I never thought she'd go this far."

CC gently pulled back, cupping Y/N's tear-streaked face in her hands, wiped away the tears, whispering „You didn't deserve any of this. I'm here, okay? We'll get through this together."

As Y/N looked into CC's caring eyes, a mix of gratitude and vulnerability, she nodded. „Thank you for being here. I don't know what I would do without you."

CC smiled softly, wiping away the tears with her thumb. „You'll never have to find out. I Love you and I've got your back, always."

„I Love you too."

A/N: a longer one today, Because nothing came yesterday
See ya

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