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Y/N and Emma, two accomplished actors, had been living a whirlwind life of auditions, shoots, and red carpet events. It was a bright and sunny morning, a rare day off for Y/N. Emma, however, was scheduled for a day on the set of her latest project. She’d been up and out the door before the sun had even fully risen, leaving Y/N to their spacious and elegantly decorated home.

As the front door clicked shut, Y/N stretched lazily in bed, relishing the idea of an entire day to herself. She‘d been yearning for some quiet time to work on a personal project, and today was the perfect opportunity. Y/N’s plan for the day was to immerse herself in painting, a cherished hobby that often took a backseat to her hectic acting career.

She rose from the bed, slipping into their favorite worn-in jeans and an old t-shirt. Breakfast consisted of a quick cereal bowl, hastily devoured, and then she headed to her well-lit art studio. It was a bright, airy room filled with paintings in various stages of completion, each one a testament to Y/N’s talent and passion.

The first brushstroke on the blank canvas was a breath of fresh air for Y/N. It felt like a release, a way to unwind from the constant pressures of the industry. Time slipped away as she mixed colors and painted with precision and emotion, fully engrossed in her creative world.

Meanwhile, on the bustling film set, Emma was in the middle of an intense scene. The director called for a series of retakes, each one more demanding than the last. The exhaustion from the long hours and pressure was starting to take ist toll, but Emma pushed through it like a true professional. She wanted to give her best performance, despite missing Y/N.

As the hours passed and the sun began ist descent, Emma finally wrapped up her work for the day. She was tired and eager to return home, longing for the comforting presence of her girlfriend. She’d sent a few text messages during breaks, but there had been no response from Y/N, which was unusual.

Concerned, Emma sped home in her sleek car, anxiety gnawing at her. As she parked and rushed into their house, she called out, „Y/N? Are you here?“ There was no reply. She checked the kitchen, the living room, and their bedroom, but the house was eerily quiet.

Emma’s worry intensified. She pulled out her phone, about to call Y/N, but her calls went straight to voicemail. Panic set in, and she began to search every room, her heart pounding in her chest.

It was in the art studio where she found Y/N, completely lost in her painting. The room was dimly lit, and Y/N’s concentration was so deep that she hadn’t heard Emma’s frantic search. Paints and brushes were scattered around her, and the canvas was a stunning work in progress, a testament to her talent.

„Y/N!“ Emma exclaimed, her voice a mix of relief and exasperation. Y/N jumped, paintbrush slipping from their hand as they turned to see their beloved girlfriend standing in the doorway.

„Emma!“ Y/N’s eyes widened with surprise. „I didn’t hear you come in. I’m so sorry.“

Emma rushed over and embraced Y/N tightly. „I was so worried. I’ve been trying to reach you all day. Why didn’t you answer your phone?“

Y/N looked sheepish as she picked up their silenced phone, realizing it was inundated with missed calls and messages from Emma. „I’m so sorry, love. I lost track of time. I was painting, and it just consumed me. I didn’t even notice my phone.“

Emma’s initial panic gave way to understanding as she looked at the magnificent artwork in front of her. „It’s beautiful,“ she whispered, her heart swelling with pride for Y/N’s talent.

Y/N smiled, feeling a mix of relief and happiness at Emma’s response. „I’m glad you like it, but I’m even happier that you’re home safe. I didn’t mean to worry you.“

They both sat down, still wrapped in each other’s arms, as Y/N explained how the day had unfolded. Emma listened attentively, understanding the creative process and how it could easily sweep Y/N away.

After Y/N’s heartfelt explanation, Emma couldn’t help but chuckle. „You really do get lost in your art, don’t you? I guess that’s what makes you so incredible.“

Y/N blushed, grateful for Emma’s understanding. „I promise I’ll be more mindful in the future. You mean the world to me, and I hate making you worry.“

With that, they shared a tender kiss, reaffirming their love for each other. The incident served as a reminder that even in the fast-paced world of Hollywood, their relationship was a cherished sanctuary, a place of understanding and unwavering support.

As the evening sun cast a warm glow on the room, Emma and Y/N settled into each other’s company. Emma watched Y/N continue their painting, occasionally offering a suggestion or two, while they talked about their day, their dreams, and the adventures they’d undertake together in the future.

In the end, it was a day that brought them even closer, a testament to the strength of their bond and the understanding they shared, even in the midst of the chaotic world of acting.

A/N: A Cheesy chapter today…
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now