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Emma and Y/N shared a cozy apartment, a sanctuary of love and laughter. Everything seemed perfect until Y/N’s best friend, Sahra, started appearing more frequently. At first, Emma was oblivious to any ulterior motives, but as Sahra’s visits became more frequent and her compliments more suggestive, a flicker of doubt crept into Emma’s heart.

One evening, as the trio gathered in the living room, Sahra’s glances lingered a bit too long on Y/N, her words carrying an undertone that set Emma on edge. Unable to ignore the mounting unease, Emma’s eyes narrowed as she watched the subtle dance of flirtation unfold.

Weeks passed, and Emma’s once subtle apprehension transformed into a consuming jealousy. Y/N, seemingly oblivious to Sahra’s advances, only fueled Emma’s frustration. Unable to contain herself any longer, Emma confronted Y/N after Sahra’s departure.

„Why can’t you see what’s happening, Y/N?“ Emma’s voice trembled with a mix of hurt and anger.

Y/N looked puzzled, „What are you talking about, Emma?“

„Sahra! She’s constantly hitting on you, and you just brush it off like it’s nothing!“ Emma’s frustration spilled out in accusatory words.

Y/N’s expression shifted from confusion to realization, „Emma, you’re being ridiculous. Sahra’s just friendly.“

Emma’s heart sank, her jealousy consuming her as she snapped, „Friendly? She’s practically throwing herself at you, and you don’t even notice!“

Y/N’s eyes widened, caught between disbelief and understanding. Hurt flickered across her face, „I can’t believe you’re accusing me of not noticing, Emma. Sahra is just a friend.“

The argument escalated, tensions rising as Emma struggled to convey the depth of her jealousy and Y/N grappled with the accusations. Days turned into icy silence between the two, the warmth of their love obscured by clouds of doubt.

Finally, Y/N decided to address the issue head-on. Sitting Emma down, she said, „I’ve talked to Sahra about all of this. I value our relationship, Emma, and I won’t let anyone ruin it.“

Emma, feeling a mix of relief and regret, looked into Y/N’s eyes and saw sincerity. The jealousy that had gripped her heart slowly began to loosen ist hold.

A/N: The ending sucks...
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now