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The cozy ambiance of Emma and Y/N's shared apartment was occasionally disrupted by the subtle chaos that Y/N's ADHD brought into their lives. Emma, a bookworm who found solace in the pages of her novels, often found herself navigating the unpredictable currents of her girlfriend's energetic personality.

One lazy Sunday afternoon, Emma was engrossed in a captivating mystery novel. The plot thickened with each page turned, and she eagerly immersed herself in the narrative. Meanwhile, Y/N, in her usual state of restlessness, bounced around the living room, attempting to find an activity that matched the rhythm of her racing thoughts.

From rearranging the cushions on the couch to reorganizing the bookshelf alphabetically for the fifth time that month, Y/N's seemingly boundless energy manifested in myriad forms. Emma, although deeply appreciating the girls vibrant spirit, couldn't help but feel a growing annoyance as it disrupted the tranquil atmosphere she sought within her book.

As Y/N twirled around the room, her eyes landed on Emma engrossed in her novel. An idea sparked in her hyperactive mind, and she couldn't resist the temptation to share it.

"Emma, Emma, guess what!" She exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Emma sighed, not looking up from her book. "What is it, Y/N?"

"I was thinking," Y/N began enthusiastically, "we should rearrange the furniture in the living room! It'll give the apartment a whole new vibe, you know?"

Emma raised an eyebrow, mildly irritated. "Y/N, I'm trying to read. Can we do this later?"

Undeterred, Y/N continued, "And we could paint an accent wall, something bold! It would really liven up the place!"

"Y/N, seriously," Emma said, frustration creeping into her tone, "I just want some peace and quiet to finish my book. Can you please—"

Before Emma could finish, Y/N's energy took a turn. Her excitement transformed into irritation, and she abruptly snapped. "You know what, Emma? Maybe I'll just leave you alone with your precious books since that's all you care about!"

With that, Y/N stormed off, leaving Emma both bewildered and slightly guilty. She hadn't meant to hurt her lovers feelings, but her frustration had clouded her usually patient demeanor.

The apartment fell into an uneasy silence, each room echoing with the residual tension. Hours passed, and Emma, now feeling the weight of her actions, decided to make amends.

After some contemplation, the actress headed to the local supermarket, knowing that Y/N's favorite treat could be a sweet remedy for the lingering bitterness. She returned with a bag of assorted chocolates, hoping that the gesture would convey the apology she struggled to put into words.

As Emma entered the apartment, she found Y/N sitting on the couch, her gaze fixated on the television but clearly lost in thought, she cleared her throat, and Y/N turned to look at her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

"Hey," Emma began, holding out the bag of chocolates. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I know you were just trying to have some fun."

Y/N eyed the chocolates, her initial stubbornness giving way to a soft smile. "You're forgiven, but only because you brought chocolate."

Emma grinned, relieved that the tension was dissipating. Y/N reached for the bag, and as they shared the chocolates, the living room once again became a space where the energetic spirit of Y/N and the quiet tranquility Emma sought coexisted harmoniously.

A/N: A short one today...
I'm in the process of writing Pippa Fitz-Amobi Imagines for that, so look forward to some AGGGTM content
And I somehow made 10 GIF Imagines but somehow can't upload them, can anyone help me 🙏
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ