A Dog

406 14 21

Emma had always dreamt of having a dog. There was something about those loyal, furry companions that tugged at her heartstrings. Y/N, her partner, was well aware of this lifelong yearning, and she had secretly plotted a surprise that would light up Emma’s world.

One sunny Saturday morning, Y/N woke up with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She had a plan, and it involved a fluffy, golden surprise. After a quick breakfast, she left the house, promising Emma she’d be back soon.

As Emma sat sipping her coffee, she couldn’t help but wonder what Y/N was up to. Little did she know that her partner had embarked on a mission that would bring unbridled joy to their home.

Y/N had a friend who had recently found themselves overwhelmed by a lively golden retriever puppy. The adorable furball was too much for them to handle, and they were looking for a loving home where the puppy could thrive. Y/N knew that this was the perfect opportunity to make Emma’s dreams come true.

With the puppy safely nestled in a travel crate, Y/N returned home. The moment she walked through the door, Emma could sense something was different. Y/N’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and she couldn’t contain her grin.

„Close your eyes,“ Y/N said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Emma obliged, her curiosity piqued. She felt a soft, warm presence nuzzle against her hand, and her heart skipped a beat. Slowly, she opened her eyes to find a tiny golden retriever puppy, ist eyes filled with innocence and trust.

„Oh my goodness!“ Emma gasped, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. She knelt down to embrace the puppy, who eagerly returned the affection with playful licks.

Y/N explained how she had heard about this puppy from her friend and couldn’t resist the opportunity to make Emma’s dream come true. It was a moment filled with love and warmth, a dream that had finally found ist way into reality.

The puppy quickly became a part of their family, and Emma and Y/N named her Daisy. With her boundless energy and affection, Daisy was everything Emma had ever imagined. She brought laughter and love into their home, and her presence was a constant reminder of the thoughtful gesture from Y/N.

Together, they embarked on adventures, exploring parks and trails, with Daisy leading the way with her tail wagging in sheer delight. Emma and Y/N reveled in the simple joys of raising their furry companion.

A/N: idk how to Name the Dog...
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now