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Once upon a time in a picturesque little town nestled beside a serene lake, lived a loving couple named Emma and Y/N. Their love was a beautiful story of two hearts entwined, and they had been together for several years, sharing life's joys and sorrows.

As autumn leaves painted the town in shades of amber and gold, Y/N decided that it was the perfect time to take their relationship to the next level. She had been planning a proposal for a while, and she wanted it to be a moment they would cherish forever.

One crisp Saturday morning, Y/N woke up early and began to prepare for her grand plan. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement. As the sun cast a warm glow over the town, she made a sumptuous breakfast with all of Emma's favorite dishes: fluffy pancakes, fresh fruit, and steaming mugs of coffee.

When Emma awoke to the enticing aroma of breakfast, she found a handwritten note from Y/N that said, "Meet me at our special place, my love." Emma smiled, her heart racing, and followed the trail of rose petals that led her to their favorite spot by the lake. It was a place where they had shared countless memories, whispered sweet nothings, and held each other through life's challenges.

Y/N was waiting there, holding a bouquet of Emma's favorite flowers, and her heart fluttered with anticipation. As Emma approached, she couldn't help but feel that something extraordinary was about to happen. Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes filled with love, and began to speak.

"Emma," Y/N said, her voice trembling slightly, "From the moment I met you, my life has been brighter, happier, and more beautiful. You've shown me the true meaning of love, and I can't imagine my life without you by my side. Will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?"

Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she listened to Y/N's heartfelt words. She nodded and said, "Yes, Y/N, a thousand times yes!" They embraced tightly, their love radiating like a beacon of light. Y/N slipped a ring onto Emma's finger, a symbol of their commitment to each other.

The couple spent the rest of the day celebrating their engagement. They laughed, danced, and talked about their future together. They shared dreams of a life filled with love, laughter, and adventures. Their love had grown even stronger, and they couldn't wait to begin this new chapter of their journey.

As the sun began to set over the lake, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, Emma and Y/N sat together, watching the tranquil waters and holding hands. They knew that their love was a force of nature, unbreakable and everlasting, just like the beauty of the changing seasons in their beloved town.

With their hearts full of love and the promise of a bright future together, Emma and Y/N gazed into each other's eyes, knowing that they were meant to be.

A/N: It's not the best
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now