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⚠️TW⚠️: claustrophobia

Emma and Y/N had been together for several years, their love growing stronger with each passing day. They shared their dreams, their fears, and, of course, their deepest secrets. Emma knew that Y/N had a fear of tight spaces, a fear that had plagued her since childhood.

One sunny afternoon, Emma and Y/N found themselves in a bustling office building, visiting a friend who worked there. After a pleasant lunch and catching up with their friend, it was time to leave. They stepped into the building's modern elevator, not giving it a second thought. Little did they know that this elevator ride would test their bond in ways they had never imagined.

As the elevator ascended to the ground floor, it suddenly jolted and came to a sudden stop. The lights flickered, and an eerie silence filled the small, enclosed space. Panic washed over Y/N like a tidal wave. She clutched her chest, feeling her heart race as her breathing became shallow and rapid. Her hands grew clammy, and her legs trembled with fear.

Emma, sensing Y/N's distress, took her trembling hands into her own, trying to offer comfort. "Y/N, it's going to be okay. I'm right here with you," she said softly, her voice filled with reassuring warmth.

But Y/N's claustrophobia had taken hold, and she could feel the walls of the elevator closing in on her. She squeezed Emma's hands tightly and tried to take deep breaths, but the air felt thin, and her panic intensified. She felt like the walls were closing in on her, the ceiling was getting lower, and there was no way out.

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she began to sob. Emma held her close, trying to shield her from the terrifying reality of the elevator's confinement. She whispered soothing words and planted gentle kisses on Y/N's forehead, but it was as if the world had narrowed down to that small, stifling space, and nothing else mattered.

Minutes felt like hours as Y/N struggled to regain control of her emotions. Emma kept her steady, wiping away her tears, and reminding her of the moments they had shared together. Slowly, Y/N's breathing started to regulate, and her racing heart began to calm.

As the elevator repair crew arrived and restored the power, the doors finally opened, revealing the bustling lobby of the building. Emma and Y/N stepped out, their legs still a bit wobbly, but their love stronger than ever. The terrifying experience had brought them even closer, proving that they could weather any storm together.

A/N: a short one today
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now