Chapter 50

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New Year's at Montrose is always fun. It starts with a grand banquet in the dining hall. All kinds of gourmet food is flown in from around the world. Dishes from each and every country are laid out for us to enjoy.

Most of the younger students won't return for another few days. There's little benefit to them being here when classes aren't in session. But, for the most part, the secondary school fills back up.

Once dinner is settled we all disperse. There's a party in each of the common rooms back at Buhler. There's music and dancing and karaoke but absolutely no alcohol. I'd know, I had to plan them all.

And it's another rare opportunity for the students to dress up and show off. An excuse to wear the new clothes and shoes and jewelry that were obtained during Christmas. Whether they be gifts or purchased by the students themselves doesn't matter; they all adorn themselves with pride.

At precisely midnight, fireworks get shot off. The sky becomes a display of lights as the stars are over shown.

But that's not how I spend my New Year's.

The greenhouse is in operation as it's far too cold for our flora to grow outside. Nonetheless, it's still our party venue. It's a smaller gathering, a chosen few from each of the grades. The same dancing and karaoke as the official parties but this one has alcohol. A lot of it.

Noah and Akio are already dancing when I make my second drink. I smile to myself as I watch them. It's sweaty and bordering on public indecency but I find it sweet. I really hope they last after Montrose.

"Elle!" Lina shrieks as she enters the structure. I smile wide and we meet half way, hugging.

"Where have you been?" I ask as we separate. "I was worried you weren't going to make it."

"Don't get me started," she rolls her eyes. "My flight kept getting delayed."

"Here," I offer her my cup. "You look like you could use it."

"Cheers," she mutters before chugging the entire thing. She coughs slightly and shakes her head hard. "I need another."

I laugh and gesture to the makeshift bar area. Other students dance along to the music being played and a few have already snuck into the shadows to make out. Lina and I each make a drink before clinking cups.

"How was your holiday?" I ask passively.

"Boring as ever," she replies. "What about you?"

"Same old," I give a one shouldered shrug as I try to suppress my grin.

"Wait," Lina tilts her head. "There's something different about you."

"What do you mean?" I ask confusedly.

"I can't put my finger on it," she blinks a few times. "You just- nevermind."

"Let me know when you figure it out," I laugh before taking another drink.

"Where's Ryan?" Lina looks over my shoulder briefly.

"Over there," I point towards the couches against the far wall. "Playing some drinking game with my brother and some of the other boxers."

"C'mon," Lina finishes off her drink. "Let's go play."

I let her lead the way towards the boys. Something's changed about her too in these last few weeks. She seems more confident, a statement I never thought I'd be able to make about her. But I'm glad; she's always been smart and pretty and I'm happy she's starting to see that for herself.

"Ryan!" Lina exclaims, rushing ahead to give him a hug.

Ryan looks over her head at me with furrowed brows; what the fuck?

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