Chapter 9 - What is a dilemma?

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"Put it down." said Kat, giving me a warning look. I stared at the Hershey's chocolate bar as my mouth salivated, "It looks so delicious." She gave me a disapproving look and slapped it out of my hand. The store clerk glared at her and she gave him a sheepish grin. I picked it up and placed it back on the shelf.

"You're better than this, don't turn to chocolate when bad things happen. You've lost so much weight since last year." I shrugged, my eyes still glued onto the chocolate bar, "It's only 210 calories." Kat sighed and walked out of the store. I was tempted to pay for it and hide it, but I decided to follow behind. "Did you ask your mom if you can sleep over?" I shrugged. "She won't care, she's probably by her boyfriend's house getting a massage."

She nodded and took out her keys. She opened the door downstairs and we took the elevator to the fifth floor. The elevator smelled like urine and cigarettes, I had the urge to gag. "I know, it smells like shit in here." The elevator finally came to a sharp stop and the door opened. "It always does."

We went to her door and she opened it. Her mom was in the living room watching a British soap with German subtitles. "Hallo!" I said to her mother. Ms. Beck looked back at me and waved. Although she only spoke German, I knew she liked my presence. "Hallo Mama." said Kat as she kissed Ms. Beck on the cheek. She said some other stuff in German and her mom nodded. We headed to her room and I plopped down on her bed.

"I'm so exhausted." I muttered, "Like, today was so unnecessary. Everything was going well. Thanks for picking me up from the station." Kat shook her head and waved me off, "I was nearby. Luckily, I was at Teaus, so when you called, I came rushing. I cannot believe he did that to you. Like what was the point of this "date"?" She said making air quotes.

"I'm officially done with this guy. Like I don't get it. I just don't. One minute he's nice, the next minute he's an ass. I felt his heartbeat when I rested my head on his chest, that shit was erratic. It's like when I'm with him, I become a rag doll. I don't even say anything about it, I just let it happen. I feel so weak around him, and honestly, I hate that. His presence itself is powerful, it's powerful and intimidating."

Kat nodded, and folded her legs on the chair. "I think you're far from over with him. You like this man, Len. Whether you like it or not, you want him to bed you." I felt my face get hot and put my hand up to protest, but she continued, "So the only thing you can do now is tease him. You see how he acts when Alaric is around. He even knew you were texting him, he said you have a certain face. So tomorrow, go with Min to Taekwondo."

I bit my bottom lip and stared at my lap. I hate it when she's right. "I don't want to interact with him anymore." I muttered, "I'd rather just keep it Alaric and I." My phone vibrated in my pocket. "Mom's calling." I said as I stared at the caller ID. Kat gestured to answer and I sighed.

"Hey Mom." I heard commotion in the background and then she finally said something. "Hey, where are you?" she asked. "I'm over by Kat's place." I knew where this was going, so I mentally prepared for it. "Who's permission did you get to go over there? Listen to me, little girl, you live under my roof, not your father's and not Kat's. You better bring your ass home now." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, okay." She continued on, "And don't you give me attitude."

"Are you even home?" Mom paused and I heard her boyfriend in the background. She always do this. "I'd prefer not to be home alone, Mom." She kissed her teeth, "Whatever. Did you feed the rabbit?" Kat pulled out her laptop and sat beside me. "Yeah, I fed him enough to last the night. I also gave him treats and some cabbage. Don't worry Mom, and plus, you're going to be home tomorrow morning." There was silence on her line and then I heard small commotion, "Okay Len. I'll see you tomorrow, love you." I returned it and hung up.

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