Chapter 29 - Muay Taekwondo (get it? Muay Thai? Taekwondo? Smd)

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Just a little thing shit before the chapter.

Yeah, thing shit.

Muay Thai • Thai as in tie
Taekwondo • Tae as in tie, not tay


Yejun and I came upon the dojang. It's been a while since I've been here. Although I love Muay Thai, this place feels more comfortable.

"Hello Master Roman." I said as I bowed to him. His brown eyes stared at me in amusement as he bowed back. "Saranghae Len, how's everything?"

I instantly glared at him as Yejun started dying of laughter. Master Roman grinned as he shook his head, "You're really something else. Also, are you two..." Yejun slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him. "So it's true! Congrats to you both." I rolled my eyes at these fools.

"You thought I was lying this whole time."

Master Roman let out a hearty laugh. "I was hoping Len would have better taste in men." I could only imagine the grin being knocked off of Yejun's face. I tried to cover my laugh, but failed miserably.

"Anyways, you both can spar. Come back more often Len, you can balance Muay Thai and Taekwondo. Call it... Muay Taekwondo. Get it?"

"That was mad corny..." I muttered as Yejun sighed.

"Mad corny." he parroted. I couldn't help but laugh.

Master Roman smiled and patted Yejun on the shoulder. "Alright love birds, I'm out." We bowed to him and took our shoes off.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?"

I walked into Yejun's classroom and looked around. He decided to put up some successful trig tests on the wall, even though we were approaching the end of the year.

"I want to spar you tonight."

"Don't you have Muay Thai?" I nodded, "I do. We can go there first, and then spar at your dojang."

"Why can't we spar at your gym?"

"I want to wait a little longer before I do that there. I need you to do me a favor though."

Yejun raised an eyebrow and put his pen aside. "What is it?"

I felt my heart being to race. Would he agree to this? I want to see how much stronger I've become. The man in front of me used to be on the Korean national team, he's known as the Face Shot Demon. I wouldn't have a chance against him, but the least I can do is try.

"I want you to go all out." He instantly let out a loud laugh, but stopped when he realized I was being seriously. "Chinja?"

"Chinja." I responded.

He sat back in his chair and sighed. "Len, I would hurt you." I frowned.

"I know... but I really, I just want to see how much I've improved. You don't have to agree, like I understand you're really strong, a-"


I smiled at him, but suddenly became worried. He looked at me as if he was looking through me. "Yejun, I'll be fine."

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