Chapter 2

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" At last, it's finally over,"

Irene exclaimed with a sense of relief.

Today, more people visited the cafe than usual, adding to the busy atmosphere.

Letting out a yawn, she lazily slumped onto the table, feeling the exhaustion from the hectic day.

Jennie, one of the cafe staff, approached Irene and said,

"Boss, you shouldn't sleep here. At least lock the doors before you go. I'm heading home."

Although there were two other staff members working at the cafe, they had taken a few days off due to the heat.

It had left Jennie and Irene to manage the bustling cafe all by themselves.

Interrupting Jennie, Irene insisted, "Stop! I'll take you home."

Determined, she grabbed her coat and prepared to accompany Jennie. Jennie, however, tried to decline the offer, stating that her home was nearby and she could walk. But Irene firmly refused, concerned for Jennie's safety, especially considering it was nighttime.

Walking side by side on the sidewalk, they made their way towards Jennie's home.

Occasionally, Jennie stole glances at Irene, her cheeks blushing slightly before quickly looking away.

After arriving at Jennie's doorstep, Irene bid her farewell. As Jennie headed towards her house, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and determination. She was motivated to work hard at the cafe.

After bidding farewell to her, Irene made her way towards the café.

As she strolled leisurely, enjoying the cool breeze, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being followed. Instinctively, she quickened her pace, hoping to outpace her pursuer.

To her surprise, a disheveled man suddenly emerged from the shadows, clearly intoxicated.

He stumbled towards her, his clumsy words slurring together as he attempted to charm her.

"Hey there, beautiful! What are you doing out all alone? Let me keep you company, my darling," he slurred.

Irene, undeterred by his advances, calmly urged him to release his grasp on her hand.

However, instead of relenting, the man became more agitated and tightened his grip, displaying an alarming level of aggression.

"Why are you so fierce, sweetheart? Let's go somewhere together and
have a good time.

You've never experienced someone as strong and dominant Alpha as me before!" he persisted, his words dripping with overconfidence.

Just as the situation seemed to be escalating, a sudden turn of events caught the man off guard.

He inexplicably released his grip on her and dropped to his knees on the pavement, his eyes wide with shock. In a bewildered tone, he uttered,

"You... you're an alpha?! How dare you deceive me!"

Irene glared at the man with a cold expression and emitted powerful pheromones.

The man began to choke and cough uncontrollably. Despite this, she remained calm as she delivered a strong kick to him.

I Became the Female Alpha in the Omegaverse world.Where stories live. Discover now