Chapter 22

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"Sir, you are not allowed to enter this building.

I regret to inform you that I cannot permit your passage."

With a polite smile, Marcus (Keith's Omega father) responded,

"You are mistaken. That may apply to others, but I am Keith's Father."

The security guard reiterated, "I'm sorry, sir. It is clearly stated that you cannot enter."

Marcus grumbled and departed.

"That ungrateful bastard," Marcus vented to his husband over the phone.

His husband Bernard remarked, "Now that he has found success, he considers himself above everyone else."

"If Father hadn't supported him, would he be where he is now?

A pathetic omega. Father should have supported me instead of him.

Look at what an ungrateful person he has turned into."

As Marcus was speaking, he caught a glimpse of Keith with someone, experiencing a moment of intimacy.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see much more as they hastily drove away.

After a brief pause, Marcus decided to call his eldest son.

At  home, Marcus, Bernard , and Keith's brothers Clayton and Calvin were gathered in the living room.

Bernard, displaying evident anger, flung some papers and photos onto the table.

"That fool! He's refused every Alpha I've tried to set him up with, only to be with a mediocre cafe owner."

Clayton snickered, "He always carries himself so high and mighty,

yet here he is having a secret fling with an average Joe."

Joining in, Keith's other brother Calvin commented as he observed the photo,

"The Alpha in the picture is stunning.

How can you be so certain they're dating?

What Alpha would even be interested in Keith?

It's likely she's using him for his money, and

he's willingly giving it, along with his body, ha ha," he chuckled.

Keith's father slammed his hand on the table in frustration.

"Enough! Keith is handing over all his money to a stranger, and here you are laughing.

That money rightfully belongs to me. After all, all the support I provided him should be directed towards me.

Calvin remained quiet and thought, "Which support are you talking about?" but he couldn't say it out loud.

Marcus stayed silent the whole time and said, "Now, now, don't shout, honey. It's not good for your health. I have a plan."

"Let's talk privately, honey," Marcus looked at his sons.

Keith's younger brother Clavin felt scared looking into his father's eyes.

After they left, Bernard said...

"What is it?"

"Do you remember Carl, Robert's younger brother?

I had a conversation with him."

"Carl?? Why are you bringing him into this matter? How can he help us?"

Marcus explained,

"I got to know him a few months ago. He came to me for help

because he loves Keith, but Keith didn't give him a chance."

As Marcus spoke, he emitted pheromones and sat on him.

Whispering in his ear, Marcus said, "Carl loves Keith, and as Keith's father who cares deeply for him,

I agreed to help.

If we don't support him, who will help himmm~  haah~ haah~" Marcus panted as he spoke.

Bernard groaned.

"What's the plan?" he asked as he delved deeper.

In a dimly lit room, wine bottles are scattered around.

"Quickly deliver those items. Yes, I am confident .

There is no need to worry. No one will ever find out about this," Carl concluded his phone call.

With a swift motion, he tossed the phone aside and turned his attention to the person lying on the bed, engaging in a passionate encounter.

Moans reverberated through the room, enveloping the atmosphere in a symphony of pleasure.

After a moment of intense intimacy, Carl reached his peak inside the person.

Marcus glared at Carl and expressed his frustration, "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"

Carl, unfazed, gripped Marcus's hair and issued a stern warning, "Do not raise your voice. Do not forget your place."

With a playful tone, Carl remarked,

"I wonder how your husband would react once he discovers his Omega riding another Alpha's cock."

Marcus retorted, "Who even cares? It's not like he is faithful to me either."

Carl chuckled at their shared understanding, reassuring Marcus, "Indeed, we have an arrangement. As long as you uphold your end of the deal."

Taking charge once again, Carl pinned Marcus down and engaged in fervent thrusting, echoing a name in a symphony of pleasure, "Keith, Keith, ah, ah."

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