Chapter 29

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The night was heavy with the weight of impending storm, the air thick with the promise of rain.

In the desolate outskirts of the city,  an abandoned sea port stood as a silent witness to the darkness that engulfed it.

In a narrow alley, barely illuminated by the occasional flickering of a distant streetlight, a figure lurked in the shadows.

His ragged form leaned heavily against the cold, damp wall, the sound of his ragged breaths mingling with the distant rumble of thunder.

Carl Wood was once the pride of his family. But in just three months, he has become a broken shell of a man.

His clothes hung in tatters, stained with the evidence of his recent torment.

Bruises marred his once handsome features, his hair unkempt and wild, his beard a testament to the neglect that had consumed him.

With a pained groan, he sank to the ground, clutching his injured hand, his swollen eyes reflecting the agony that consumed him.

In the darkness, his voice was a harsh whisper, filled with bitterness and rage.

"That bastard alpha," he spat, the words dripping with venom. "She ruined my life."

The alpha totally wrecked him, no mercy at all.

Not only did she a break his left hand and leg, she screwed up his pheromone levels too. Now he can't even use any pheromones.

The night descended like a shroud of darkness, echoing Carl's despair as he lay bound and broken on the unforgiving ground.

Each passing moment felt like an eternity, the weight of his sins crushing him beneath their relentless burden.

His life became miserable, his family cut ties with him in a press conference, the police are searching for him. If he gets caught, he will face life imprisonment.

"But it's still better, I can always come back if I get caught by the police. But why are these gang members chasing me?"

He was kidnapped by gang members and endured harsh torture for who knows how many days.

Amidst the chilling winds and crashing waves, a voice sliced through the silence like a knife, dripping with malice and menace.

"Hey, I found the bastard," it growled, sending tremors of fear down Carl's spine.

Desperation clawed at him as rough hands seized him, dragging him deeper into the abyss of his nightmare.

His futile attempts at resistance were met with merciless force, leaving him bruised and battered, his cries drowned out by the roar of the ocean.

Blindfolded and bound, Carl's world narrowed to the searing pain coursing through his body, each agonizing moment stretching into eternity.

"Release me, I will give you guys money, release me," he pleaded, his voice choked with desperation.

But his captors only laughed, their cruel taunts echoing like a twisted symphony of torment.

"We can't do anything, maybe you can beg to boss," they jeered, their words like venomous barbs piercing Carl's already shattered resolve.

As footsteps approached, Carl's heart hammered in his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Please, release me," he begged, his voice trembling with fear. "I will give you lots of money, I am the son of Wood Enterprise."

I Became the Female Alpha in the Omegaverse world.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz