Chapter 8

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"I'll be coming to the cafe in a few days, but unfortunately, I've caught a cold."
Irene, wrapped in a cozy blanket, sends a message to Keith.

After enduring two weeks of unbearable heat, Irene's decision to use excessive cold water to cool down has left her feeling under the weather. It's no wonder she's fallen ill.

Luckily, her brother has come to visit and is taking care of her. Without him, Irene would be at a loss as to how to handle her illness.

As she lies in bed, wrapped like a cocoon , she hears the bell ringing. Curiosity piques her interest as she wonders who could be visiting this time. Absentmindedly munching on snacks, Irene contemplates the possibilities.

Her brother came to her room and informs her that a friend has come to visit and leads them into her room.

With a mischievous smile, her brother leaves, taking her nephew along with him.

The sight of her brother's smile sends shivers down Irene's spine. her eyes fixed on the entrance and saw It's Keith.

Suddenly, his arriving brings a mix of emotions and memories flooding back.


Keith entered the room and saw Irene wrapped up like a cocoon. Upon spotting him, she averted her gaze and began to stare at the ceiling.

Keith couldn't help but wonder if there was something interesting up there.

As he took a seat, Keith inquired, "How is your fever? It looks like it has gone down a bit."

Irene nodded, still refusing to meet his eyes. Keith raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Why aren't you looking at me? Do you not want me here?" he asked directly.

"No, no, I'm really glad you came to visit. It's just... just..." Irene stammered, her cheeks turning red.

"Why are you suddenly red? Has your fever come back?" Keith asked,
concerned as he gently touched Irene's forehead.

It was then that he realized he had acted without thinking and found himself in close proximity to her, close enough to feel each other's breath.

They locked eyes, and Irene glanced down at Keith's enticing lips, swallowing nervously. Keith noticed Irene's gaze is on his lips and she gulps, a faint sense of satisfaction washed over him.

"Cough cough "

Their trance was broken by a sudden coughing sound.

They looked over to see Irene's brother entering the room with some snacks.After chatting, Keith prepared to leave.

As he walked away, Irene suddenly grabbed his clothing. Keith looked at her in surprise.

She said, "I'll be okay in a few days. Come back to the cafe again."

Keith felt his heart swell with emotion. He took her hand and replied, "I will, don't worry."

After he left, Irene slumped onto her bed, a smile spreading across her face.

As she glanced towards the side of the room, she saw her brother standing there, wearing a mischievous grin.

"What the f..." Irene startled and bumped her head against the wall.

"When the heck did you arrive?" she asked, feeling embarrassed.

"For a long time, but you guys didn't notice since you two were in your own world," her brother replied.

"So who is he, where did you meet, and how long have you been dating?" Her brother inquired.

"We are not dating, we are just friends, so don't say nonsense," she responded.

"Nonsense! Did you see how you two look at each other?" he persisted.

"Stop, my head hurts," Irene exclaimed as she wrapped herself from head to toe.

Her brother shook his head, thinking, "I need to inform mother."


"Boss, I have received two tickets for art exhibits, but unfortunately I

am unable to attend. So, why don't you take someone with you?"

Jennie playfully suggested to Irene.

Irene pondered for a moment and responded,

"Who should I take? Not everyone enjoys art."

Suddenly, someone attempted to interject, but Jennie quickly placed her hand over their mouth and said,

"Boss, he is just joking. Don't pay attention to him, he doesn't even appreciate art."

The individual, who actually did like art, thought to themselves but could not say anything due to Jennie's stern gaze.

Confused by their antics, Irene looked at them with a puzzled expression.

Later that evening, when the cafe was empty, Keith arrived.

"Good evening, Irene,"

he greeted warmly, as he usually did.

While they were chatting, Keith noticed that Irene seemed to have something to say.

"Do you have something you'd like to tell me?" Keith asked gently.

With a nervous smile and a slight blush on her cheeks said,

"Do you have time on a particular day? I have two tickets for an exhibit, and if you'd like, we could go together."

Keith looked at her for a few seconds, then responded, "Wait a minute."

Keith messaged his assistant, "Do I have anything important scheduled for that day?"

His assistant replied, "Yes, there is a dinner party you need to attend."

"Okay, then cancel my plans for that day," Keith sent the message and halted any further communication.

Keith's assistant was left perplexed, wondering what was happening.

"I don't have anything important scheduled for that day. Let's go to the exhibit then,"

Keith calmly informed Irene.

"Okay~" she replied happily.


"Should I wear this or that?" Irene asked, holding up a piece of clothing.

"This one, he's gonna like it," her brother interjected.

"I'm not wearing this for anyone," Irene responded defensively.

"Yes, yes, you're right," her brother shrugged ,giving up.

The exhibit was scheduled for 1pm. After reaching the destination, Irene saw Keith standing there, to her surprise, not wearing his usual clothes. He looked like a college student.

Keith's eyes lit up upon seeing Irene.

"You look beautiful/handsome," they both said simultaneously, before pausing and bursting into laughter.

"Let's go."

At the gallery, beautiful artworks were on display. They strolled around, observing and discussing the pieces, occasionally offering their opinions.

The atmosphere was calm and relaxing.

People couldn't help but notice the presence of these two individuals. Both were good-looking and tall, with the girl slightly taller than the boy. They seemed to be in their own world, disconnected from the outside world. Standing there, they resembled a work of art themselves.

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