Chapter 11

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Two weeks had passed, and Irene had been avoiding going to the café with the excuse of visiting her friends.

At her friends house.....

Her best friends, Nathan Lott (omega) and Rosa Lott (alpha), both are cousin.

They had been friends since childhood.

"I must admit, I'm quite surprised that you're interested in Omega.

I always thought you were gay, which is why you turned down all those suitors," Nathan teased.

"What?!" Irene and Rosa exclaimed in disbelief.

"You're gay? Well, no matter what, I'll still support you," Rosa said, kindly tapping Irene's shoulder.

"I am not ga...y..." Irene started to say but paused,

realizing that in her previous life, she had been straight.

The fact that both males from her past life and the alpha male in her current life were similar made her naturally attracted to them.

However, because she was born as a female alpha, society might consider her gay.

"What the fuck, this is so confusing!" Irene exclaimed, frustration evident as she pulled at her hair.

"And why are you so shocked, Rose?

Didn't you also have the same thought?

Even Irene's family suspects it," Nathan continued, enjoying the awkward moment..

"Hey, did you know that back in high school, you and Irene were the popular Alpha couple?" he said mischievously.

Irene and Rosa exchanged skeptical glances, unsure of what he was talking about.

Nathan chuckled at their disbelief and added,

"Oh, you guys were like celebrities!

There were so many fanfiction stories about the two of you.

Believe it or not, I still have some saved on my phone!"

Both Irene and Rosa couldn't resist their curiosity and eagerly looked at Nathan's phone.

They were surprised to find numerous comics,stories portraying them as a couple.

Suddenly, Rosa blurted out, "Why am I always the bottom one in these comics?"

Intrigued, Irene questioned, "Why do you even have all this?"

Nathan coughed awkwardly, attempting to shift the topic.

"Well, it was just a silly hobby I had in high school.

Let's forget about that now and focus on you."

"Yes, please! Tell me what should I do now? How on earth should I approach him?" Irene asked anxiously.

Rosa responded "Well, it's clear that he likes you too!"

Nathan playfully said
"Or maybe he's just interested in your body, planning to dabble with you a few times and then toss you away, ha ha!"

"He's not like that," Irene defended him.

"Yeah, not everyone is as flippant as you," Rosa added, casting a pitying look at Nathan.

I Became the Female Alpha in the Omegaverse world.Where stories live. Discover now