Chapter 3

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*Toilet flushing noises...*

"Ughh, no matter how many years pass, I still can't accept this,"

Irene grumpily exclaimed as she crouched down outside the bathroom, covering her face with her palms.

"Being a biological girl and then

suddenly being born as an Alpha

girl with an extra limb down there,

I still can't digest this change,"

Irene said in frustration, her voice filled with discontent.

Feeling overwhelmed, Irene made her way downstairs and plopped down on the chair like a slime.

Tilting her head and holding one palm against her cheek, she observed Omega womens in the cafe.

"I am jealous. Why wasn't I born as a Female Omega or just lost my previous memories?"

These thoughts filled Irene's mind as she drifted into a daydream.
Little did she know that her behavior was causing a little chaos in the cafe. People couldn't help but blush, especially the young ones.


While Irene daydreamed about strange things, from the perspective of others, she lazily leaned on the chair.

She exuded a seductive aura, and her beautiful golden eyes passionately stared at someone in particular.

Who is this person she's staring at? The onlookers wondered as they exchanged curious glances.

"Boss, Boss!!"

Suddenly, someone vigorously shook her shoulder, causing Irene to jolt out of her daydreaming.

"What??? What happened?" Irene exclaimed in confusion.

Jennie, her colleague, chuckled and replied, "Oh, nothing, just making sure you're still with us!"

She then playfully sauntered off to tackle her own tasks.

Irene stood there with a bewildered expression,

"??????" she muttered under her breath.

Then, she noticed a peculiar sight - people were staring at her!

Irene's mind raced with thoughts, "Did I do something wrong? Did I accidentally wear mismatched socks?"

Trying to ease the awkwardness, she flashed a polite smile at the onlookers, hoping it would break the tension. Miraculously, they quickly averted their gaze.

Irene "???????????????????"


After closing the cafe, everyone bid goodbye and went their separate ways.

"Well, everything is packed up and ready for the next week.

My dear mother, bless her heart, has been worried sick since the incident,
so it's crucial for me to come home and put her at ease," she mused to herself.

The thought of enduring a grueling five-hour journey had Irene less than thrilled.

"I can already feel my  butt going numb just thinking about it," she grumbled.

The following day, Irene arrived at her parents' house , she was watching a movie when suddenly, out of nowhere, her nephew Rein (Omega) jumped out from the shadows and pounced on her like a little monkey.

"Rein, stop bothering your aunt," her brother's spouse scolded him.

"No, Auntie, play with me!" Rein insisted, hugging her tightly like a koala.

"Okay, okay, I'll play with you," she relented, as the other children got excited and joined in.

After a fun playtime, the kids ate and fell asleep, while the rest of us sat down for dinner.

Irene's family comprised two siblings: an esteemed Omega male and an admirable Alpha male.

As the youngest of the trio, Irene often found herself in the unique position of being the only single member. Not even a fleeting romance had crossed her path.

Naturally, her parents saw fit to constantly nag her, especially after her elder brother's engagement. These constant reminders became a nuisance, prompting Irene to visit her childhood home less frequently.

"Did you cook this? It's so tasty," complimented Alan's (Alpha brother) fiance.

"See, I told you she cooks really tasty food. You never believed me," my brother (Omega) chimed in.

"Yeah, even though she can be lazy, when it comes to food, she gets energetic.

She's taught herself to experiment and create different dishes," her mother praised her.

"Your future spouse will be so lucky. There aren't many Alphas who can cook," Alan's fiance commented.

"Yes, yes," her brother agreed, 

both of them giving their fiance/husband a knowing look.  Both finance/brother coughed and quickly looked away.

"You two should knock some sense into her.

I've been telling her for a long time to choose a partner, but she rejects every one," her mom glared at her.

She simply tuned out the conversation, hearing it through one ear and letting it go out the other.

The dinner table suddenly turned into a discussion about marriage, with everyone sharing their thoughts on her love life. She pretended to become invisible, as this topic didn't concern her.


I Became the Female Alpha in the Omegaverse world.Where stories live. Discover now