Chapter 31

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Keith is sitting on the sofa, staring out into space, lost in his own thoughts.

He knew that Irene had locked herself in the bedroom so that she could handle her rut safely, but it was difficult for him to sit there alone. he couldn't help but worry about her.

Irene sat on the bed in the room, trying to control her wild hormones. She knew that she had to do this for his safety.

"Open the door, Irene."

Irene remained quiet for a few seconds before she finally spoke up.

I can't. Not right now. I'm not myself and I don't want to hurt you. Please understand that I'm just trying to protect you.

But your state is not good. The doctor said not to leave you during rut. Please open the door. I am worried.

I am doing this to protect you from me.

I don't care... You need an omega right now. Medicine won't work properly. You will damage your body. Please let me in.

Irene could feel her pulse starting to quicken and she began to panic as she heard him saying all the things to convince her.

I know that my body is demanding an omega. In fact, just hearing your voice makes me want to open the door.

I love you. Please, dear, I am your omega. Let me handle you.

Irene was on the verge of losing control.

Irene murmured:
you have no idea how much I want you right now. My body is screaming for you. I don't know if I'm strong enough to keep my door closed any longer.

Please, if you don't, then I'll break this damn door.

After a few moments, he heard the door open.

He entered the room. The room was dark and full of intense pheromones.

He saw Irene leaning on the wall beside the bed.

She looked up, her eyes glowing in the dark room like a dangerous beast.

Irene's body was shaking as she stared at him with pure lust. her eyes were glazed over and her pheromones was radiating with passion and hunger. she was ready to take him right there and then.

Irene looks at him... The scent of his pheromones is so  sweet, she can barely think. she wants to tear him apart; she want to claim him .

Irene's hands gripped down on his shoulders as her body descended over him. her primal instincts were taking over, and she was no longer rational. she knew what she had to do.

I have told you to not to come darling...

I'm going to claim every part of you  my own.

You will moan my name  over and over .

Keith saw her lustful eyes without any rationality.

Yes...take me~

(Rip Keith lol)

Irene's hunger for him was unstoppable. she tore his clothes and ripped them from his body. His bare skin was her for the taking.

IreneI'm going to mark you with my scent so everyone knows that this body is mine and mine alone.

She kissed him viciously, taking everything from him and giving nothing in return. her mouth was devouring him and he could feel the heat of her passion through their lips.

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