Chapter 12

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It has been five months since Irene and Keith began dating. They decided to keep their relationship a secret from their families, as their families have a tendency to be nosy.

Overall, things have been going very well for them, with one small exception. Irene has been feeling hesitant to take their relationship to the next level, as she has only kissed Keith and hasn't gone any further.

As Irene contemplates her situation, she suddenly hears a commotion coming from the break room.

Jennie, one of her coworkers, is clearly pissed as she exclaims, "Who on earth is reading porn during working hours?"

"Not me," someone quickly responds.

"Woah, let me see! Let's check out that book," another person excitedly declares.

"'How to Please Your Omega: 101 Tips.' Ha ha ha, who could possibly be reading this?" someone else laughs.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Irene decides to investigate. She recently hired some new staff, so the break room is filled with unfamiliar faces. As she enters the room, all eyes turn to her.

"Boss, boss, look! Someone is reading porn. There's a pervert among us," one of her employees informs her.

Irene glanced at the book and  responded, "Enough with the jokes! It's time for all of us to get ready for the influx of customers.

And by the way, I might just have to confiscate that book." As her colleagues dispersed, wondering why their boss seemed a bit grumpy today.

Once everyone had left, Irene seized the opportunity to retrieve the book and carefully placed it inside her bag.

It was actually her book, a gift from Nathan. She had simply forgotten to return it to her bag earlier.

"Well, there's one thing I can be certain of," Irene thought to herself, "this book offers some extraordinary insights."




Keith is currently situated in his family home, surrounded by all of his family members who are gathered around the table.

Taking his rightful place his grandfather sits at the head of the table.

While everyone engages in conversation, Keith remains silently seated, offering nothing more than mere nods and brief answers.

His countenance exudes an icy demeanor, causing others to deliberately avoid him.

Deep within his thoughts, Keith contemplates his desire to escape from this suffocating environment. If it weren't for his grandfather's birthday celebration, he would never have come.

Interrupting his thoughts, Gerald Genevieve, Keith's grandfather, takes the initiative to engage him in conversation.

As all eyes focus on Keith, Gerald asks about the progress of his business. Keith responds nonchalantly, stating that everything is going well, just as it always has.

The conversation then transitions into a brief discussion revolving around their respective ventures.

As the conversation continues, the family members exchange glances, each harboring their own thoughts and opinions.

Gerald Genevieve, the head of the family, has a total of seven children - four Alphas and three Omegas.

Keith's father is the youngest amongst the Alpha siblings.

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