Chapter 26

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Carl gazed down at Irene, who remained silent.

"Even after all that taunting, she's still silent," Carl mused, a sense of unease washing over him.

He then proceeded to drag Irene and throw her onto the bed,

climbing on top of her .

with a sudden force he tear down her shirt.

As Carl licked his lips, his eyes fixed on Irene's form.

"I haven't even drugged you, yet you're so obedient.

Are you secretly hoping for me fuck your ass?"

With a sinister chuckle, he continued, "You should consider yourself lucky.

You are the first Alpha to experience me in this way."

" Alphas can't be marked, hmmm, Let's find out," Carl pondered aloud.

Moving closer to Irene's neck, he began to lick he neck,

but her lack of response frustrated him.

In a fit of rage, Carl bit down on Irene's neck,

causing blood to trickle from the wound.

Carl Slide his hand down from Irene's chest to her abdomen and eventually to her pants,

As he tried to slide his hand inside of her pants,

he Whisper in her ear

"Once I get  Keith, I'll make sure to fuck him day and night in front of you".

Suddenly, Irene lifted her head,

her golden eyes glinting in moonlight.


The night air hung heavy with foreboding as Keith Genevieve, CEO of "D" Company, sped through the winding streets of the city.

His heart raced with fear and fury, his mind consumed by the terrifying thought of losing her-the woman who held his heart in her hands.

It had been two days since he last heard form her.

For what felt like an eternity, he had scoured every inch of the city,

his mind a whirlwind of fear and frustration.

But then, a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness.

With a steely determination, Keith followed the trail,

Every fiber of his being burned with a primal rage.

As the looming silhouette of a grand villa materialized in the distance,

Keith's pulse quickened with a mixture of dread and resolve.

This was it-the epicenter of the nightmare that threatened to tear his world apart.

With a silent command, her bodyguards fanned out, their movements swift and precise as they subdued the startled figures that crossed their path.

But Keith had no time for mercy-not when every second brought him closer to the truth,

closer to the woman he would move heaven and earth to save.

He stormed towards the villa.

As he burst through the doors, his eyes blazed with righteous fury,

His fists clenched with a primal rage as he surveyed the room,

His gaze locking onto the cowering figures that dared to stand in his path.

Without a moment's hesitation, he launched himself into action,

his blows raining down upon them like a storm of vengeance.

Keith pushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest as he rushed towards the door that stood between him and the woman he loved.

His bodyguards followed close behind,

With a final, resounding kick, he shattered the door,

and saw a chilling scene that lay beyond.


The room was heavy with murderous, bloody pheromones.

As if a fierce battle had happened there.

Infront of him, he saw a figure laying unconscious in a pool of blood.

The figure's face was beaten unrecognizably, Keith could still figures out it was Carl.

Keith looked up and saw a scene that made his heart wrench in pain.

His beloved leaning against the wall with her eyes closed and panting.

Her clothes were torn ,with red blood oozing from her neck, staining her.

As Keith ran towards Irene, his bodyguards stopped him and said,

" Sorry , sir, but it's dangerous to go near her.

She likely lost her rationality given how she beat that Alpha.

You wait, we will handle it."

Keith looked at them angrily and said,

" Don't stop me, you drag this person outside and call the doctor.

And remember, except for the doctor, nobody is allowed to enter".


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