Chapter 18

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"Hey hey, isn't it Nathan, the singer?" someone exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's take some pictures," someone replied.

As they attempted to take pictures, someone stepped in front of them.

"Excuse me, but taking someone's picture is prohibited here," Irene kindly informed them, flashing a smile.

The individuals in question were young, likely school students. The girl and the boy (both omega) became disappointed but still heeded her advice.

  Looking at their sulking face and she offered them some cake

"Miss/mr, why don't you try this cake? It's on the house"

Blushing, they expressed their gratitude.

After Irene left, they began to gossip amongst themselves.

"Hey, hey, she is so dreamy! It's no wonder you always wanted to come here."

"I told you, she's not only beautiful but also so gentle," the girl said, blushing as she touched her cheek affectionately.

"I want an Alpha boyfriend/girlfriend like her."

"Why don't you ask for her number?"

"I don't have the courage, plus I've seen people get rejected before."

"So? Just give it a try instead of giving up. I'll be there to cheer you on. Let's do it!"

The girl considered her friend's words for a few moments before nodding in agreement.


After finishing some work, Irene sat in front of her friend Nathan .

"You sure are popular, Irene. Must be hard for your unlucky boyfriend," Nathan said while sipping his drink.

"Huh? You're the one to talk. So why are you even here?" Irene asked playfully.

"Why? Can't I come and see my friends?

If you didn't like my presence, I'll  leave," Nathan replied with mock sadness.

"You know I didn't mean that. Stop your acting, or someone is going to misunderstand me," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay. Actually, I'm thinking of moving to this city," Nathan revealed.

"Why suddenly? Isn't 'C' city good for your career?

What's the reason for this sudden move?" Irene asked, shocked and curious.

"I'm going to take a break from singing," he admitted.

"Oh, did you mess with someone you shouldn't have?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Nathan flinched and avoided looking at her.

"I knew it! We told you to stop your antics, but you never listen.

Now look at what's happened,"

"Come on, Irene. You're overimagining things.

I just want to change my environment.

Singing is just for fun, and I want to try different things," Nathan defended himself, crossing his arms stubbornly.

Irene shook her head , even more disappointed than before.

"Okay, let's talk another time. I'll call Rosa.

By the way, have you decided where you're going to live?" Irene changed the subject, trying to lighten the mood.

Irene and Nathan were deep in conversation, tucked away in a secluded area of the cafe.


"Hey, who's that man the boss seems so familiar with?" whispered one of the staff.

"Maybe he's her boyfriend. I saw her with a man the other day.

They were really intimate, but I couldn't see his face," another staff member chimed in.

Just as the staff were exchanging gossip, Jennie interrupted them.

"Stop gossiping and concentrate on your work," she scolded .

Once the staff members scattered, Jennie turned her attention to Irene and Nathan.

They were chatting happily.

"They look good together, but Mr. Keith is looked better with her," Jennie thought to herself.

As she thought that, the man looked up and met her gaze.


While Nathan was talking, he felt someone staring at him.

He casually glanced in that direction and locked eyes with a girl with  green eyes.

He gives his charismatic smile at her. However,  the girl flinched and quickly looked away.

Nathan raised an eyebrow.


"Excuse me," someone stammered.

Irene was standing outside the café, patiently waiting, when suddenly two young omegas approached.

She glanced at them.

"What are they doing out so late?" Irene wondered.

The girl mustered up the courage to step forward, her shyness evident as she stuttered,

"Can you give me your number? I...I've liked you for a long time."

The words spilled out in a rush, revealing her feelings.

That's the scene Keith witnessed when he arrived to pick up Irene.


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