Beneath the Surface

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"That was so cool! My bey's past wielder was named Roman! He was a fierce warrior who defeated armies! Yah! Kyah!" Leon cheered punching and kicking the air. As the sun began to set, Ryan had here'd the children back onto the plane so that they could be homebound before nightfall.

"My bey's past wielder was a Grecian knight named Aecean who actually befriended a pegasus and rode him through the skies! With pegasus' power, he saved the girl he loved from becoming a sacrifice to a fearsome beast! Then he defeated the creature and saved his entire city! It was so cool! I got to watch it all!" Sho beamed.

"My past wielder's name was Ryuichi. He was a powerful japanese samurai who only used his powers for justice. He was extremely meek and prudent since he was raised by buddhist monks. Using the power of Ronin Dragon, he stopped an earthquake from splitting the world into two." Jin stated.

"Whoa!!!" Sho and Leon both gasped. Their eyes all fell on Dèvon who was fiddling around with her watch.

"What about you, Dev? Whats your bey's story? I bet its not better than my Wild Mane Leone's!" Leon gloated. She looked at him for half a second before turning her attention back to her watch.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now. Maybe later." She answered half heartedly. They all stared at her with concern.

"D-Dèvon... Are you alright?" Sho asked sheepishly.

"I'll tell you guys later I promise." She leaned back in her seat and didn't say anything more. Ryan entered their compartment with a broad grin.

"Team Estrella! How'd you enjoy our little adventure together?"

"It was so fun Ryan! When are we going on another?!" Leon hounded him. He held his hands up calmly.

"Peace Leon. It'll be a while before another field trip of ours. Especially with the erm... Little cliff incident pertaining to the girls." He cleared his throat nervously.

"I should've foreseen the danger. We got caught with a streak of luck finding the runes, yes, but I'd never want your lives at stake. Its not worth that. Therefore, Team Estrella is not allowed to come on any more dangerous expeditions. At least not until you all are much older." He announced. Their faces all fell and they began to whine in protest.

"Aw what?!"


"C'mon, that's not fair!"

"Are you serious?!"

Ryan irritably cleared his throat.

"I know you all object to this ruling. However, at the end of the day you are still children and I can not allow you to endure the danger I endure." His annoyed expression softened, " But I am thankful for all your help. Especially you Dèvon. You not only discovered the ruins, but you also saved my precious assistant Lucy's live. We are both indebted to you."

"Extremely. I also thank you for pushing me to be a little more adventurous today, Devon. It was... interesting." Lucy added meekly.

"...It was my pleasure." Dèvon pouted irritably. She was grateful for the compliment, but being banned from anymore daring adventures was a real bummer. 

Mathew scrolled through the holographic pictures he'd taken of the ruins on his watch, "One more thing, whatever happened on this expedition stays between us. You're allowed to tell your parents just for assurance. However, for confidentiality matters what we discovered in those ruins we tell no one. Understand? One slip and next thing you know all kinds of nasty poachers and illegal smugglers could try to exploit and rob this sacred historical landmark. Wouldn't want that to happen would we?"

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