The Red String of Destiny

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(Authors note: This chapter is dedicated to @KittySorceress ! Thank you for voting, reading, and most of all commenting! I LOVE when people take the time to comment! Its entertaining and endearing <3)

"I'm surprised they even let us all come up here..." Lucas noted with astonishment. Team Estrella, along with Eve, Wilson, and the Berlotte brothers were crowded around Charlie's bedside. He had been out of the danger zone since the day before. His sugar levels and vitals were back to normal. However, the doctors wanted to keep him one more day just to make sure.

"Well lets not push our luck... But it's a good thing Ryan postponed the semifinals and finals of the tournament until Monday." Dèvon replied.

"He had to. With all the uproar he had to take a few days to resolve everything. Let's just be grateful he didn't cancel it altogether." Jin noted. Sho looked around at Team Cometa. Victoria was the only one who wasn't present.

"I wonder why Victoria hasn't been here... She's your teammate!" Sho growled. They all looked at each other with forlorn expressions.

"Whoever that girl is... That's not Victoria." Lucas grumbled leaning against the wall. "She used her bey to manipulate our hearts. The Victoria we knew would never do that...."

"You guys knew Victoria before anyone else right?" Eve asked with interest.

Lucas and Ashton exchanged hesitant glances.

"The Reitzencrautz and Berlotte families have been closely associated for generations. We, the Berlotte family, have pledged our undying loyalty to them." Ashton explained.

"Undying loyalty? Pft! What is she? A princess?" Leon scoffed.

"Yes." Aston and Lucas answered in unison. Everyones jaw dropped.

"V-Victoria's a princess? Of what?! The wicked and black hearted?" Eve jeered. Anger flash across Lucas' face before it quickly receded. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Like we said she wasn't always like this. In fact, this is completely contradictory to her personality. Thats why I can't even be angry at her for what she's done... It's all because of that evil bey, Black Heart Chimera."

Ashton put his hand on his brother's shoulder as Lucas turned away from them, refusing to say anything further.

"Victoria is a princess indeed and before Black heart chimera she was a bit shy and on the reserved side, but also kind hearted and loving. Our family, the Berlotte's, well... We're what you call Knights. Vassals. We defend the Reitzencrautz family." He explained.

"So you're like their lap dogs." Leon jibed in a matter of fact tone. Dèvon stamp on his foot making him yowl with pain.

"I'm so sorry. He didn't mean that. " She apologized earnestly. Jin glared at Leon before sighing and running a hand through his dark hair.

"If you've known her for so long then you must know how she met Chimera. Correct?" He asked. A tense silence fell over the room. Both the Berlotte brothers stared at the ground.

"If you do know... Then you should tell us. We don't want to hurt Victoria. We want to save her, but in order to do that we have to know as much as possible. Whatever you know, if you could tell us it would be of immeasurable assistance! Help us help you!" Sho pressed. Ashton looked at him before looking at Dèvon.

"We already have help." He told Sho curtly. Sho's eyes widened slightly before he looked at Dèvon. She shuffled anxiously and twirled a marigold from Charlie's bouquet between her fingers.

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