The Great Awakening

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Dèvon was aroused from her unconscious slumber by the sound of quiet tinkling followed by something being tied around her wrist. Her eyes fluttered open to meet with a pair of big, cerulean eyes that blinked and jumped back. That boy with red hair who was always battling with Leo was tying something around her wrist.

I remember his name is Sho Tenma.

"U-Uhm..! H-Hi Dèvon!" The boy blushed slightly embarrassed that he was caught in the act. Dèvon groaned as she pushed herself up so that her weight was resting on her forearms.

"... H-hi..." She answered warily. Her eyes were narrowed at him with suspicion.

There was an awkward silence between them. Dèvon felt a weird sensation boiling in her stomach as she looked him up and down. Her face grew warm as she glanced down at her wrist. A bunch of small seashells were strung into a bracelet. The swirly baby blues and zigzag creased peaches with smooth arcs and round edges lined her dainty wrist. She examined the small shells on the bracelet before smiling as she twisted one of the ornaments between her fingers.

"You made this...?" She asked suddenly. Sho was so busy watching her with wonder that he was jogged out of his thought by her question.

"Me?! Yeah! I uh... Didn't know what girls liked so I just thought to get a bunch of seashells... D-Do you like it...?"

"I love it! It's really pretty...!" Dèvon assured him as they finally met eyes again.

"I-I'm glad! By the way, I'm your brother's friend—"

"Sho Tenma. I know who you are." Devon answered pushing herself into a full sitting position. Sho inched closer to her bed.

"So, the one who's been watching Jin, Leon, and I practice was you then?" Sho guessed. Dèvon blushed pressing her finger tips together.

"I may have watched you guys... A few times... A lot. Everyday." She confessed. Sho raised his arms triumphantly.

"I knew it! I knew I wasn't crazy!" Sho exclaimed "I was wondering who was watching us the whole time and why they never said anything or came to approach us."

"I only planned on doing it once but... I grew to admire you guys so much that I couldn't stay away!" She confessed, "I'm sorry if I creeped you out. I just wanted to bey battle really bad, but Leo never let me." 

"Y-You didn't creep me out at all! I can see why you didn't want Leo to find out."

"Yeah.. He would've been really mad at me." Dèvon agreed with a small laugh.

"Hes always mad though." Sho pointed out making them both laugh, "However, after what happened the other day, I bet he'll let you battle now."

"You think so?!"

They were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. They turned their heads to see Jin standing at the door impatiently. He gave them a dead panned stare before walking in with a vase full of Marigolds. Sho couldn't help, but wonder with embarrassment how long his friend had been standing there watching them.

"If Sho's done then I'm Jin, but from what I heard I guess you already knew that, Dèvon."

"Y-Yeah. Its nice to meet you, Jin. Thanks for the flowers." She answered eyeing them warmly. They added a lighter aura to her bedroom. Jin nodded placing the vase on her nightstand and walking up to her bed. He scratched his chin as he leaned in closer to her face until they were only an inch away from each other. He stayed there examining her eyes not paying mind to the fact that a reddish hue had disturbed her olive tint.

"Intense green eyes... Just like Sho said." He murmured thoughtfully.

"J-Jin, give her some space! Why are you so close?!" Sho frowned indifferently. Jin backed away enough to raise a curious brow in his friend's direction.

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