The Dominators I

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[Author's note: Hello there! I know it's been a while! Just wanted to thank everyone who has been, and still is, reading this story! I've been editing this story extensively, but this is the first new part that I've posted in a really long time. I have some more parts that I will be editing and posting within the coming weeks. Sorry for the long wait! This story will soon be coming to a close and I wanted to end it right. I've been getting motivation for how to end it and what direction I want to go in so please bear with me. Most importantly, enjoy!]

~A Few Weeks ago~

"Isn't this exciting big bro? We're going to be professional beywheelers! Just like Devon right?" Gigante piped in the back of the vehicle. As soon as they had agreed to go with the mysterious pink and blond haired strangers, they were hauled into a black limousine with heavily tinted windows and whisked away from their former life. It all seemed too good to be true! In fact... It WAS too good to be true. David knew this. 

He nodded absentmindedly in response to his brother whilst griping the handle of the car door tightly. Any attempts to escape would be of no use, however, since the child lock was placed on the doors the moment that they'd stepped inside. They were sitting across from their "saviors" who were relishing in the oldest brother's unease. The woman grabbed herself a sparkling water from the cooler built into the seat while the man plucked an apple from the basket on top of the fridge and took a generous bite. It was only after they'd settled into their own comfort that they spoke.

"Would you two like something to eat? We've got sandwiches, sodas or water, or maybe some fruit? There's plenty to go around and it's all paid for!" The woman crooned. David hesitated however Gigante practically jumped from his seat.

"Yes please!" He cried. The guy tossed him a little bit of everything. Gigante took all of it down in under a minute. Once he was content, he sank into his seat and sighed rubbing his belly. 

"Big bro! You should have some too! Those sandwiches are delicious!" He insisted nudging an anxious David with his elbow.

"Yes, listen to your brother! We understand that you're still harboring suspicions over our intentions, but you already agreed to come with us so you should take advantage of the resources and nourish yourself!" The woman pressed.

"We even ate some of it first to reassure you that it was safe. Relax~" The man chimed extending a perfectly ripe banana and a tuna sandwich to the boy. His voice was soothing, but also firm as if he were trying to lull David into letting his guard down. David narrowed his eyes before plucking the banana from his hands and peeling it slowly as if he were defusing a bomb.

"I don't think I'll be able to relax until I get some answers. First, what made you pick us out of all the wheelers you could've possibly picked? I'm sure you had the chance to scout plenty at the bey parks and tournaments." David asked biting into the banana. It was so delicious he scarfed it down in a matter of seconds. The tune sandwich disappeared in a similar fashion. The masked man tossed him another sandwich. He caught it and proceeded to devour it in less than three bites. The woman took a sip of her sparkling water thoughtfully.

"Indeed we were scouting many wheelers, but the reason we picked you two for this opportunity is because your potential and skills were well above the average threshold." She replied. Gigante sat up a bit straighter.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you know about our skills to begin with? We never battled publicly, only each other in the subway tunnels." He cut in.

"We saw it for ourselves through your battles in the woods with Devon Fierce of course." The masked man admitted evenly. David and Gigante's brows raised. Both the man and woman laughed at their reactions.

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