The Greatest Form of Flattery

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Dèvon shielded her face from the beams of sunlight that assaulted her vision. Like always, it was warm and sunny in Destection city. The people seldom saw any other weather which is why it was such a popular place to live. She heaved a heavy sigh as she pulled the door to her house closed behind her. Sho had fallen asleep on her bed earlier. She though it'd be best to leave him alone.

Besides... This is something I have to do on my own.

Jin's house was located in a secluded area of the woods on the outskirts of Destection city. Being from Japanese lineage, his family clung tightly to their many customs, including having a traditional kusakabe style home. She crossed a bridge that arched over a small stream and soon arrived at his home. It was nestled within a colony of blooming cherry blossom trees past a wall of bamboo.

"Whoa... Talk about fung shui..." She mumbled suddenly feeling refreshed. Maybe it was the brisk breeze that made the petals of the trees rain down or it could've been the gentle sound of the wind chimes. There was just something about this place that filled her with positive, serene energy. She walked up to the door and knocked. After a few moments his mother answered and her expression immediately brightened.

"D-Dèvon! What a pleasant surprise! Its good to see you here!" She beamed. Dèvon gave her a small bow just how Jin taught her.

"Afternoon, Mrs. Ryuga! I'm here to see Jin!" She declared. Judy's face fell and she became noticeably skittish.

"He's uhm... He's really busy with studying today, sweetheart. Maybe you should come back another time." She answered shakily before she began to close the door. Dèvon stuck her foot in abruptly.

"Please, Mrs. Ryuga. I know Jin's angry at Leon and I, but he's still my friend. I just want to talk to him." She stated calmly but firmly. Jin's mother finally gave in and opened the door.

"He's in the back training under the falls." She sighed guiding her to the rear of the house. Before Dèvon went out however, she clasped her on the shoulder gently.

"Before you go back... Have some tea with me?"

     Devon stared at the strange, circular cup in awe. There was no handle and it had a kanji character on the face that translated to "peace". Yet, for all she knew, it was just a bunch of lines slashed on there by some nut.

She was barefoot and seated on a cushion that was a mute, but not unpleasant, shade of green. The room she was waiting in was pretty much empty except a few pieces of furniture and what looked like a mantle or shrine on the other side. She didn't want to be nosey, so she didnt get up to get a closer look while Jin's mother was in the kitchen. However, even from faraway she could clearly distinguish the bright smiles and happy memories between the frames of the pictures.

There were four people in most of them, two were Jin and his mother, and the others she's failed to recognize. In fact, she'd never seen them before in her life. Nevertheless, the familiarity between the way the four people were clumped together could only signify that these people were just as much of a family to Jin as his mother was. So what happened?

The potent smell of green tea wafted through the air and circled around the room drawing her attention away from the mysteries of Jin's past and back into the present. Judy seated herself across from Dèvon and began to pour her tea in such a way that Dèvon didn't know tea could be poured. It was patient and dignified, yet lowly and humble.

   Once her cup was poured, Dèvon's hands closed around it and she felt the warmth from the contents spread over her palms and fingers. Slowly, cautiously, she raised the cup to her lips and took a sip. The bitterness made her lips pucker. She cringed and drew her eyebrows together. Noticing her startled recoil, Jin's mother chuckled quietly before taking a sip from her own.

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