The Regionals Tournament

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"I wonder where Devon is...." Sho pondered as they stood in front of the stadium. He gazed down at his watch impatiently. It was 11:45. Fifteen minutes until the start of the tournament and there was no sign of her. Leo had shown up moments before without her.

"Leo, what did you say Dev was doing?" Jin asked.

"I dunno. I knocked on her door and told her to come on, but she just said that she'd meet us here and to leave without her." He grumbled. Sho glanced at his watch once again.

"Well I hope she's on her way. If were not all in there by 12 then we'll be disquali-"

"Sup' Jin!" Dèvon's voice rang out from behind them. They all turned to face the voice, but what they saw made their jaws drop. Their female member had cut her long hair just below her shoulders. Her dark bangs were pushed to one side making her face seem more mature. She was wearing ripped jeans and a long sleeved black shirt with a black and white checkered vest over it. Her steps were heavy from her combat boots.

"What the- D-D-DEVON!!!" Leo roared attracting the attention of the entire lobby as he stomped over to her, "What is all this?! And why'd you cut your hair?!"

"Jin do you hear something?" Dèvon hummed as she walked past Leo. It was obvious she was still indifferent towards he and Sho from the previous day.

"I-... Uhm... Dev... You look..." Sho stammered in awe. His face was scarlet as he looked away and scratched the back of his head. She rolled her eyes before striding past him as well.

"Jin what do you think?" She asked smiling and spinning around in front of him.

"I think you look cool, Dev. Its a good change." Jin beamed sincerely before nudging Sho with his elbow.

"Y-yeah. Good change... Really good change..." Sho agreed in an undertone.

"You know mom and dad are gonna kill you once they find out right...?"

"Let's go before we're disqualified!" She declared ignoring them and marching inside. They all exchanged disbelieving glances before Leon scoffed.

"Man... She's still mad at us about yesterday huh..." Leon thought out loud before glancing at Sho who was still starry eyed.

 "Might wanna close your mouth, Sho. God forbid you drool over my sister too much..." He added vehemently.

Sho looked at Leon sadly, "I-I'm sorry, Leon. I'm not trying to go after Devon like Wilson. You and I are friends and I don't want to ruin that..."

"... Sho, I'd rather it be you than that creep Wilson. After yesterday, I realized that I could trust you to protect my little sister and take care of her. Understand?" Leo smirked extending his fist to Sho.

"Leon..! Do you really mean that?" 

"I wouldn't be saying it if I didn't. Don't leave me hanging!" Leon urged wiggling his fist. Sho stared at Leo's fist before blinking and connecting it with his own. A goofy grin took its place on his face. After all the trouble Leon had given him about his not-so-subtle feelings for Dèvon, this small but meaningful gesture of approval cleared the air of tension between them. Tension that had been running high ever since Dèvon had joined the team with them.

"Oi! What're you invisibles doing? This isn't time to hold hands! Let's MOVE! We've got two minutes!!!" Dèvon yelled out the door before retreating back inside.

"Tch! Invisibles?" Leon scoffed before mumbling to Sho, "I just hope you know what you're in for with her..."

"Welcome everyone in Destection City! I'm DJ, your announcer and play-by-play commentator for today's Beywheels Regional tournament!" DJ's voice boomed loudly as his face appeared on the large Megatron screens in the stadium and all throughout the technologically advanced city.

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