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(Author's note: Don't mind me, just another chapter I split during editing.)

Nora gazed at her watch anxiously. honestly, this whole ordeal had her nerves on end. She'd already had enough on her plate with the town officials trying to get on her case about her daughter beywheeling. Now her children suddenly come home and tell her about this "deal" they'd struck with Ryan Gladstone. She couldn't be more on edge about the entire situation. 

Oh! And let's not forget this "dinner party" that I have to get last minute formal attire for. Whatever happened to giving a week's notice? Such a mess! She worried biting her fingernails. She looked at her watch again. She'd spoken briefly to the other two mother's and told them to meet her at the boutique at 10 am sharp. It was not 10:05 and not a mother in sight.

"Does punctuality not exist?!" She grumbled straightening her blazer. Her dark hair was pulled up in a tight bun and her emerald eyes shown irritably behind her glasses. Devon and Leon were sitting beside her silently. They knew that the best thing to do when their mother was like this was to just leave her alone. As Carla Tenma and Judith Ryou strode into the boutique with their sons in tow, Carla could feel something asphyxiating hanging in the air. She wasn't sure what it was until they stopped at the designated meeting spot and saw two pairs of green eyes looking at them, one with familiar curiosity and innocence while the other pair...

Oh dear... Is she a woman or a demon...? Carla couldn't help but think as she locked eyes with Nora. Her gaze was so intense it was as if it gripped her heart and seized it. This was the woman who had the officials of Destection city trapped like mice.

"Oooooh this is so exciting! All the moms getting together for the first time! Hi! I'm Judith Ryou! Jin's mother! But please call me Judy!" The bubbly asian woman gushed as she shook hands with Nora vigorously. They were gathered in a formal attire shop called Tres Chìc to prepare their children for tonights dinner.

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I'm Nora Fierce. Leon and Devon's mother." Nora answered tersely. It was obvious from the vein pulsing in her forehead that their tardiness had her frustrated. Her posture was rigid and straight; her expression stern and apathetic. Carla's brows raised with sudden interest. Despite her serious expression, the resemblance between she and her daughter was uncanny.

"It's great to finally meet Devon and Leon's mother. I can see where Devon gets her looks from. I'm Sho's mother, Carla Tenma." Carla observed running her hands through her auburn hair. Sho gave a small wave to Nora, while Jin bowed respectfully.

"Good morning, Mrs. Fierce." Jin greeted.

"Hi, Mrs. Fierce!" Sho followed up in a more nonchalant tone. The woman's posture relaxed and her bright eyes softened as she smiled the boys.

"Hello Sho and Jin. It's nice to see you both again." She stating before peeking a glance over at her daughter who was looking at a dress nearby with interest now that her mother had calmed down. Leon looked at the dress too then pushed it away.

"That's SO not for you, Dev. The shape isn't flattering!" He noted seriously. She pouted examining the dress again.

"You're right. I'd look like a hot air balloon." She confirmed before they found their way back over. She gave Sho a shy wave and, in return, his face flushed as he waved back. Leon punched his arm playfully while Jin gave him a sly smile. Nora took a deep breath and rose from her seat.

"If we're all done conversing then I'd like to get started. We're already 10 minutes behind schedule."


"Well now that we're all together, how do you guys feel about our children being selected to represent DREAM?" Judy gushed wiggling in her seat, "I'm excited! My little Jin works so hard! He trains every single second he gets! He also does marshal arts and jujitsu to hone his body and maintain his stamina! I'm glad that his dedication to his craft is finally bearing fruit!" Judy squealed. Carla smiled brightly responding to her bubbly energy. She and Judy had known each other far longer than they'd known Nora since Jin and Sho had been friends since grade school.

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