Heart and Beyspirit

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"Special move: Divine Horn Siege!!"

Terra rammed through her opponents bey sending it crashing into the wall of the arena where it embedded itself.

"Its... A SLEEP OOOOOUUUUT!!! Dèvon Fierce advances to the semifinals and thats it for our quarterly finals! Here are our remaining four competitors who shall be advancing in the tournament!!"

The screen lit up and pinged as Dèvon, Sho, Leon, and Wilson's pictures all appeared on the megatron. Dèvon felt butterflies flutter in her stomach. Out of everyone in Destection City SHE had made it to the semifinals, the top four competitors! She was in a dazed euphoria as the pictures and names disappeared and Dj's ecstatic face reappeared.

"Lets take another 15 minute intermission before we get down to the last portion of our tournament!"

Dèvon walked off the platform as the screens shut off. It was getting late. The roof of the stadium was opened to reveal a beautiful arrangement of stars that lit up the night sky. She had made it! Even if she'd lost now she would still be content, but that ravenous hunger for a win still tugged at her ambition like a wild dog tugging at its leash.

"This win is going to be tough though... Either way I'll either have to go against Wilson or one of my team mates..."

Wilson's bey, Bull shark.... It's very strong. She heard Terra's voice in her head. It was so sudden that it caused her to jump. Sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you, Devon.

"No no.. It's okay... Wilson isn't just strong, he's also very cunning. I doubt he'd pull move like what he did with Jin again while we're expecting it... but it shows how unpredictable he is."

His experience with the Regionals has probably taught him to think outside of the box and win using unconventional methods.

"Exactly." Devon agreed becoming lost in thought. Whether she had to face Wilson or her own teammates, her chances of success were low at the moment. She would need to come up with a plan of her own.

"Who're you talking too?" A voice questioned from behind her. 

    Devon let out a small squeal as she fumbled with the bey almost dropping it. She shoved the device in her pocket and spun around to see Sho staring at her timidly with his hands in his pocket. Her expression immediately soured, she wrinkled her nose before lifting it in the air and walking away from him. He reached out and grabbed her arm gently.

"Dèvon please! I know you're mad--"

"Then you must know why I'm angry, right?" Devon asked pointedly. Sho shook his head.

"No, I dont! If you would just tell me--"

"Figure it out, Sho! Until you do I don't want to talk to you OR my buttfaced brother, Leon." She snapped before snatching her arm from his grasp and walking away. 

When she disappeared around the corner Sho let out a frustrated groan before banging his fist against the wall. Leo and Jin appeared from behind the cover of the potted plant nearby.

"She won't budge huh... Man, this is annoying. I wish she'd just talk to me! The dinner table was so awkward last night!" Leon groaned.

"I just don't understand why she's so mad at us!" Sho fumed.

"Maybe it's a girl thing? Hey Jin, you know a lot about girls. Do you know why Dèvon's so vexed?" Leo asked. Jin's eyes widened slightly with indifference.

"What makes you think I know a lot about girls?!"

"'Cuz you've had an entourage of fan girls following you all day." Leon noted jutting his thumb in the direction of another larger potted plant nearby that giggled suspiciously. Jin sighed massaging his temples.

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