A Wager

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Sho loved it all!

The refreshing smell of the stadium's waxed floors.

The strong, positive vibes given off by the energetic competitors.

It was so new yet so familiar to him. He marched at the head of the group with his chin held high and his arms outstretched as he swaggered over to the admission counter. A young lady with an apathetic expression was jabbering animatedly into her bluetooth earpiece. Her eyes barely raised when the kids stopped in front of her.

"Hold on, Franny. Yes? Can I help you?" She droned turning her attention to them.

"We'd like to sign up for the tournament tomorrow!" Sho announced brightly. The lady's eyes looked him over with disinterest.

"Do you have the money to pay for the forms?" She asked blowing a small bubble with her gum before popping it and chewing obnoxiously. She reminded Dèvon of a cow chewing grass.

"$35 each right?" Sho said pushing the envelope full of money towards her. The woman's eyes widened ever so slightly as she took the envelope and counted the money stuffed inside. After making sure it was all there, she reached under the desk and unceremoniously handed them four forms before going back to her call.

"Hello Franny? Sorry about that. Just a couple of rookies who think they have a shot. Poor things. That boy Wilson is probably going to win again." She told the caller as if they weren't there.

"What did you say lady?!" Leo growled before the gang pulled him away.

"Just forget it Leo. It's not worth arguing with her over." Jin cautioned.

"Yeah! We'll shut her up by winning tomorrow!" Dèvon declared before pulling out her pen and proceeding to fill out the form. Jin and Sho hummed in agreement and started to do the same while Leo fumed in the corner.

"So what're we gonna do with the money when we win guys?" Leo asked. Their pens ceased to scribble across their forms.

"Hm... Well first we should all pay our parents back the money they gave us for our admission. So thats $140 right there." Dèvon suggested. Her friends nodded their consent.

"Agreed! Then with the remaining money we can buy new gear for our beys!" Sho declared.

"But if we have the yearly maintenance membership to Randy's then we get everything for free. We won't NEED to pay for new gear." Jin countered.

"Oh yeah thats true..." Sho sank back into the cushion of the chair and pouted, "What in the world are we gonna do with the remaining money...?" He mumbled as his brows furrowed in thought.

"I say we get matching team uniforms!" Leo suggested. Jin scoffed not even bothering to look up from his application.

"Matching uniforms? Thats so cheesy and ridiculous!" He answered.

"You're ridiculous with your spiky hair!" Leon barked back.

"What're you talking about? Your hair is spiky too Leon."

"Nuh uh! It's just angular!"

Dèvon was the first to finish her form. As she jogged back up to the desk to hand in the completed packet her path was blocked by a stocky boy about 14 years old. He was tan with short jet black hair in an undercut and light brown eyes that glinted mischievously. He grinned as he leaned in close to her.

"So you're Dèvon Fierce, sister of Leon Fierce, and the lone female member of the reputable Team Estrella. I've heard great things about you." He sneered. Devon frowned and faltered in her step.

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