Phenomenal one and Sunflower

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Your nerves were taking it's hold over you as Samoa Joe walked beside you before your tag team match with him, Jeff Hardy, and another rookie wrestler who joined TNA not much later than you but never really got to meet due to your chaotic training with joe and matches that left you drained once it was over. You feel the anxiety seeping out of you as you grow hot and light-headed almost tripping as you went to sit down in a chair and being grabbed and slowly leaned up in the chair as you try to calm your racing heart "Close your eyes, breath in and hold your breath for four seconds and then let it out" you do as the man said feeling him lightly squeeze your hand which helped along with the bag of ice he was holding on your neck feeling much better when you calm down "Thank you god i thought i was gonna die in a way" small chuckles are shared as the two of you talk learning his name was AJ and becoming peas in a pod before he left for his match walking around the corner to joe's locker room sharing a side hug with jeff and standing next to joe as you wait for the last person until you look beside you to see aj immediately bursting into laughter together sharing a hug before doing your entrances standing together as Christian, Raven, Desire, and Kevin Nash cheering jeff on as he starts the match against nash wincing a few times before joe was tagged in and got hits on nash then christian before you're tagged in some time later ducking a kick by christian and getting hits on him until desire was in using your multi martial arts background to your advantage even performing your unique move called switch mix up which was a drop kick combined with a Taekwondo jump spin kick. You follow with your special called Sunflower mania which consisted of common wrestling moves such as a powerslam, clothesline, and spear mixed with three different martial arts of Jujutsu, Muay Thai, and Capoiera which amazed aj as he watches you and is stunned when you even throw in Krav Maga when nash jumped in the ring before sliding and tagging him in yelling at him to use his Styles clash on raven having an idea quickly jumping to the top rope before swinging off and performing a tornado kick followed by a judo takedown allowing for a pin winning the match turning as time wit backstage wen aj grabs your arm "Hey wanna get some dinner or lunch soon?" you nod and say tonight leaving him a bit surprised but smiles and stunned yourself by your sudden bravery as you all have a few drinks before you and aj leave and have a nice dinner at a local Italian place and things really grew between the two of you as the next few weeks went on and became consistent tag team partners and that only grew the relationship and finally after three months everyone knew of the relationship earning support from your friends and fans always holding each other backstage, sharing a quick peck before and after matches, and always jumping in his arms in a hug when one of you went out to the ring after one of you got a big win in your career.

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