Allergy relief

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You cough loudly grabbing sips of water in between sucking on cough drops and eating soup you made a few minutes earlier as your girlfriend came home noticing your tired and sick expression "Are you okay?". She feels your forehead feeling the light warmth radiating off your forehead but not hot enough for a fever but still warm enough for her to know it was either a cold or your allergies hearing the light wheeze from your chest before a coughing spell remembering a weird trick she heard from one of her friends and co workers who was dealing with allergies of their own going to the kitchen and putting a pot of water on the stove as you put the soup in the microwave raising a brow when she hands you a towel carefully leaning over the boiling water with the towel covering the pot and your head feeling the steam hit your face and go through your sinuses blowing your noses after twenty minutes taking a big breath feeling that you can finally breathe again. Desire starts gently massaging your aching head and around your nose after you eat the rest of the soup while watching TV together, you feel your heart stop when she places an ice pack on the back of your neck but you feel better after a few minutes feeling more cooled down than you had been the whole day taking meds leading to you falling asleep for the next two hours waking up to see desire putting on one of your favorite movies before leaving the room and making dinner realizing by the smell that it was roast which helped when you were having a bad day or an upset stomach and nothing else could be kept down hugging desire from behind mumbling a thank you into her shoulder before making your plates and eating taking meds for your allergies and a stomach med as a precaution in case your stomach got upset later on drinking honey tea as desire called it to help with your sore throat and by the next day you were feeling much better thanks to the actions your girlfriend had heard of and remembered.

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