From calls to holding each other

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A smile forms on your face when you see a text from your girlfriend Desire while you were walking to your car from work driving to grab food coming up with a wonderful idea as you drive home. You book the cheapest flight slowly packing and setting an alarm before eating and falling asleep waking up and finishing last minute packing before driving to the airport where you were going to surprise your girlfriend for the holidays, you and desire have been together for two years and had only spent time together in person twice once for Thanksgiving with you and your family and together on New years earlier in the year texting her on the plane pretending to be at work as you land and grab your bags being taken to her house by a taxi service smiling big when you see her in her backyard putting her flowers on her back porch since it had started getting colder outside thanking and paying the driver before grabbing your bags and knocking on her front door watching her put her lavender plant in the window before jogging to the door lifting your hoodie when she opens the door making her stand stunned before the two of you were smiling and laughing in a warm hug "My god and you pretended that you were at work!" you laugh after bringing your bags inside sitting on the couch enjoying takeout while wearing one of sweaters and soft pants while watching Love Actually together. The two of you secretly buy gifts for each other spending Christmas Eve sharing a few sips of wine while watching more Christmas movies waking up and having pancakes before opening presents and having a big Christmas with her family who adored you immediately and knew that the two of you matched well even hearing her mom say to her "If you don't marry her then something is wrong" enjoying the day together feeling a bit reluctant when you had to head back home two days later but what you didn't know was what she had planned a few weeks later on after you were home.

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