I got two girls

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You stand in the ring with a rude and macho man Jeff Jarrett who clearly was flirting with you not caring that you didn't flirt back and laughs when you say that you weren't interested, firing at him with "You're not my type". Things began to get more uncomfortable for you as Kurt Angle joins him in the ring feeling your heart pound as kurt yells at you to accept the offer of a "date" until you lose it throwing a spin kick to kurt and a good back hand slap to jeff "I am in a relationship and while you have no women wanting you, I have women wanting me and I got two girls!" fans cheer wildly at the statement as you pinch the bridge of your nose realizing that you just outed your relationship with both Trinity and Desire who stand wide eyed backstage while still wanting to kill jarrett and angle as you flip the two men off before walking out of the ring and backstage where your girls held you in their arms as tears of frustration and fear for accidentally revealing your relationship in the way that the three of you definitely didn't want your coworkers and fans to find out about the three of you being together. Your heart jumps in your throat when you and the girls walk out of the locker room to see your friends Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Gail Kim, and Sting all staring before joe pulls you into a hug as you cry "Hey you're still a part of TNA and the family and you always will be no matter what" you share a hug with everyone else as joe and aj along with trin and desire walk to the ring when jarrett starts throwing homophobic slurs out to the horror of everyone backstage and the disgust of fans who cheer when the four jump in the ring having an all out brawl with jarrett and angle who kicked trin in the face making you livid running back out had it not been for sting and gail holding you back from losing control and possibly your job for raging hell against the two men getting a beatdown in the ring until everyone was pulled apart with angle and jarrett getting suspended for four weeks and threatened with being fired and charged with a hate crime if another incident happens while your girlfriends and two friends were suspended for a week pulling the four into an emotional group hug and pulling your girls into two tender kisses before walking back out in the ring and apologizing only earn to chants of "We're proud of you", "We love you", and finally "Get your girls" laughing as they climb in the ring sharing a hug and kiss as the fans chant "Love wins".

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