Iconic love

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You smile standing ringside watching your boyfriend's match against Bubba Ray occasionally talking to fans who adored you and always changed your name with sting's whenever he was in the ring or crowd. The crowd cheers loudly when sting wins the match helping you climb over the ropes sharing a kiss and holding each other as the crowd chants "Icon love" making both of you laugh but it also warmed your heart at how the fans loved you along with sting posing for a fan to take a picture of you with their camera not noticing sting signaling to the crowd to be quiet lifting a small sign to them that says "It's our anniversary and I'm going to propose" putting it outside of the ring while you interact with a little girl near the ring before turning around only to see sting dressed nicely grabbing your hand as he gets down on his knee making the crowd cheers feeling your face grow warm as tears form in your eyes giggling as the crowd chants "Happy Anniversary" followed by "Tna's couple". He grabs the mic by his feet "You have changed me and my life in a way that I didn't know could happen to anyone let alone me and you've been by my side helping shape my career ever since we met in the final year of WCW, you have taught me what real love is and I want you by my side for the rest of my life so will you marry me?" you grab the mic after taking a breath wiping a few tears away "Of course I will yes" the crowd explodes with cheers, joy, and chanting "She said yes" your shared friends come out joining in on the celebration in the ring with champagne, cake, and streamers and having fans join you all at a bar for a party to celebrate your engagement and another party the next week with your families who were thrilled to the moon about the two of you getting engaged and the future wedding for two people who loved each other dearly.

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